Time: March 25, 2010 from 8pm to 9pm
Location: Elluminate (Eastern Daylight Time)
Event Type: pbs, webinar
Organized By: Steve Hargadon
Latest Activity: Mar 29, 2010
Full Elluminate: https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2010-03-25.1501.M.C7019E4E4FF762E6585A112B534140.vcr
Portable Audio: http://audio.edtechlive.com/cr20/thebuddha.mp3
Chat Log: http://audio.edtechlive.com/cr20/thebuddha.rtf
Date: Thursday, March 25th, 2010
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / 1am GMT (next day) (international times here)
Location: In Elluminate. http://tinyurl.com/pbscr20 If you haven't used Elluminate before, you can make sure your computer is configured correctly to enter the room by going to http://www.elluminate.com/support.
On Thursday, March 25 at 8 p.m. ET, we will host a webinar entitled "The Buddha: Teaching Mindfulness." During this event, filmmaker David Grubin will show clips from his new film, The Buddha, and talk about making the film and what he hopes audiences, particularly teachers and students, will take away from it. Mirabai Bush, Associate Director and Senior Fellow at The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, will speak about using the film to teach about the Buddha's life and teachings and present research related to the effects of mindfulness on learning. Educator Peter Brown will share his experiences teaching about the Buddha in a Comparative Religion course, and Dr. Amy Saltzman will discuss methods for teaching mindfulness. Participants will also enjoy a tour of the companion website for the film, including an overview of educational resources.
About the Film:
Two and a half millennia ago, a new religion was born in northern India, generated from the ideas of a single man, the Buddha, a mysterious Indian sage who famously gained enlightenment while he sat under a large, shapely fig tree. The Buddha never claimed to be God or his emissary on earth. He said only that he was a human being who, in a world of unavoidable pain and suffering, had found a kind of serenity that others could find, too. This documentary by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin tells the story of his life, a journey especially relevant in our own bewildering times of violent change and spiritual confusion. Richard Gere narrates.
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