Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Julia,

Welcome to Classroom 2.0!

I believe we have a couple of other folks here who are working full time on their degrees. Please feel free to join in the many discussions going on right now, start your own discussions, read, or just browse the past discussions. I'm sure you'll find the wealth of experiences and knowledge here pretty amazing.

Good luck with your studies. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

im James
I teach in a High School in S korea
Hi James,

Welcome to Classroom 2.0. We are glad to have you join us from South Korea.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Hi...I love this site. My name is Dawn Sansevero, I am from Staten Island New York. I teach in Brooklyn New York at William E. Grady High School
Hi Dawn,

Glad to hear you like Classroom 2.0. It sounds like you've already discovered the great discussions that are on-going and have taken place. Please feel free to contribute to them or start your own. I think these last two pages of new members alone shows the great wealth of knowledge we have here collaborating to better learn, leverage, and maximize web 2.0 tools.

Welcome aboard!

I'm here should you have any questions you need answered.

Hi everyone,I am a Science teacher from India. I was introduced to classroom 2.0 by my teacher Mr.Brain Collins.At present I am a student of MS Early Childhood NYIT NY.
Welcome to our community, and let us promote the teaching of Sciences!
Thanks,I am sure its going to be a great learning experience for me.Its going to be passed on to my students who would definitely appreciate this new approach towards learning.
David Kapuler, from IL and am the tech facilitator at an El Ed school. I consider myself to be a "jack of all trades" focusing mainly on multi-media stuff (TV studio/live announcements), networking, web page development, user management, application support, etc. I just updated my machine to Leopard and am excited about what OSX 10.5 server offers for education.
Hi David,
I am working to help pull my school up by its tech boot straps and into the 21st century. I am the school librarian (k-8) and collaborate with other teachers informally to spread the word and the courage to try web 2.0 tools. It is a difficult battle with resistance. I would love to stay in contact with you for guidance along the way. - Leslie
Hi David,

The wiki server that is part of OS X 10.5 looks really cool. I can see that being a great tool to have at your disposal.

Please don't hesitate to share your experiences or thoughts. It looks like you've got lots to contribute. Using the topics list on the right hand side or the search box in the top, right corner can be great tools for finding some amazing past discussions that highlight the wealth and depth that makes Classroom 2.0 so great.

If you come across anything that generates a question, please don't hesitate to contact me.

A number of the new Leopard server upticks are very exciting for small edu shops. Some things that were shaky in beta are, alas, still a little shaky (at least with iCal Server and integrating it into an extant FLOSS infrastructure), but we're still plugging away at it. By the time 10.5.1 rolls around, it should be more "ready for prime time," as it were.

Anyhow, welcome to the Ning from a fellow Illinoisan! Feel free to drop by any time you are near Aurora ;)

- Scott



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