I'm curious to know if anyone is using Cover It Live in their educational setting. I suppose one obvious use is backchanneling during student/teacher presentations. I observed/participated in a live blogging event today that I was unable to attend, a talk by George Siemens on Social Learning with Emerging Technologies. The tool seemed to work very well for this type of event. I could see it catching on at conferences across the country. I'm interested to hear what others are using it for just out of curiosity. Live blogging your school board meetings? What about use for athletic events?

Tags: blog, blogging, cover, it, live

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Hey Matt,
We have a few teachers who are really eager to try Cover it Live. One teacher is planning on using it to have a backchannel discussion during the viewing of a movie on a book they are reading in class. Another teacher is working with another school on a wiki, and was hoping to get conversations going about the book.

It is a great tool, however we are having issues with it and our filter. It will start up and but we are having issues with it interacting with the proxy server. We have been trying to figure out the problem for awhile, but no luck. I would recommend just checking it out with a class before rolling it out.

Hey Matt, I'm a technology coach and I recently turned 3 different teachers onto Cover It Live. All 3 teachers used the tool while students watched a video in class. By blogging live the students were much more engaged than simply taking notes during the video. We ended up with more than 10 pages of comments per class during the events, much more conversation than we would have had by just watching a video. Teachers can pose questions to the class while watching without stopping the video. I highly recommend using this tool to create a back channel. We were able to turn a non interactive activity like passively watching a video into something fully interactive.
Hi Matt,

Like the others who have commented, I am using CIL for viewing vids in class. I also use it during the frontloading stage of inquiry learning. I ask students form questions based on media I show them. This can be vids, pics, audio etc. We then pull some questions from the session and continue the inquiry process. This works really well and the students are guiding their own learning-really taking ownership.
We have used it for things like Inauguration Day with multiple classes from around the country, back channel when doing video conferences with other classes, my class on election night, and when we interview people for our podcast we have it available for folks listening live to submit Q's and for me to send messages to the interview team.

Since comments need to be moderated it does work more as a place to give comments than a place to facilitate discussion.

We have also used http://todaysmeet.com/ because it is the only chat site that will make it past our filters



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