I am looking for any use cases of how a school successfully integrated IPAD's into the school curriculum.  The school currently has grades K-3.  Because we are in the early stages of developing our strategy we are open to any creative suggestions in addition to any successful cases.


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We have been using iPads with our pre-primary computer science curriculum this year. It has gone very well. We have a cart of 15 iPads. Classroom teachers up through 12th grade can sign up to use the iPads when they are available. We have a sign out process. I am not sure if this is the type of integration scenario you were looking for. Please feel free to contact me directly if you want to know more specifically about how we manage our iPads or how our classroom teachers are using them specifically in their classrooms. ttepedino@allendalecolumbia.org
This is helpful, however, I am looking specifically to identify software titles and lesson plans that utilize the IPAD's effectively for grades K to 3.  Any feedback is greatly appreciated.



Check out this blog.  It's by the primary team at my school.  They received a grant for iPads this year.



I will be blogging a little about iPad integration, however my iPads haven't come in yet, so most of my thoughts and information are preliminary.



We will be working on a website that lists apps and uses in the future, but that's still in the development phase.

This was very valuable...THANK YOU. I would love to track your progress as you implement your devices. Additionally, I will share any valuable lessons learned as we move forward.
Great!  I know the intermediate team will be creating a blog in the next month or so.  I will make sure to post the link when we get it.



your schools blog is outstanding!  I recently received a classroom set of iPads and am looking for ways to best use them in class.  I was particularity interested in the lesson that used the simple-note app.  Keeps up the great work!

Thanks!  I can't take much credit for it.
These blogs are really helpful!  Thanks! We use an iPad cart for K-8 also.   I have been tweeting some of the students' favorite apps on http://www.twitter.com/wilsontechkids.   Yesterday's hit was iLearn Solar System HD - it is excellent for 1st and 2nd grade learners.

I know that some schools have been using our web 2.0 app with their iPads in the classroom.  While our program features a great deal of functionality, they typically use the quiz-making and taking functions in conjunction with the iPads.  The idea is the teacher can create quizes online, and the kids can take them on the iPad and they are automatically graded.

Ive also been told that some teachers use it to take attendance using our program as well.


You can access our system for free once you set up an access key.  The company is called Novachi, and you can get your access key here.


Also, we are launching a contest on Facebook in February that gives educators a chance to win an iPad, so look for Novachi Online Education System or use this link.

I recently worked with a group of PreK-K teachers who each had one iPad in their classroom. Here are the materials I created for them:


Student Uses

Young students can use iPads one-on-one with a teacher or an aide, in small groups, or as a center activity.



¨     Students can use several iPad apps to practice writing letters, words, or pictures, using their finger or a stylus. In the App store, download Sundry Notes (free), Penultimate ($0.99), or Doodle Buddy (free). Once students create something, you can save it on your iPad for further analysis, to show parents, or to store in students’ portfolios.

¨     Older students can use one of the planning/brainstorming apps to plan their writing pieces. Planning apps include IdeaSketch (free) and Popplet (free).

¨     Students can also use the StoryRobe app (free) to make a narrated slideshow from photos. For example, you could save photos of every letter into a file on iPhoto (Or, perhaps, photos of students making the letter shapes with their bodies). Have a student(s) use StoryRobe to organize the letters into alphabetical order and then record themselves singing the ABCs as the slideshow plays. A similar slideshow could be made with shapes, animals, colors, or anything you’re studying.



¨     Have students practice their letter recognition and phonics skills on http://www.starfall.com

¨     Tumble Books, available through the Santa Cruz Library website, reads picture books aloud to students in both English and Spanish. (It might be in Flash, so I’m not certain if it will work on iPads.) To get to the Tumble Books site, go to http://www.santacruzpl.org/kids/read and click “Tumble Book Library” on the right. (You can’t access the Tumble Books page directly – you have to go through the library website, or else Tumble Books will try to charge you a fee.)

¨     List of online reading games at http://www.covenantworks.com/Bouncy-A/Reading/Kindergarten/index.htm



¨     List of online games at http://www.covenantworks.com/Bouncy-A/Math/Kindergarten/

¨     Illustrate concepts using math manipulatives, available on http://illuminations.nctm.org/ and http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html



¨     Let students interact with the online games from FOSS at http://www.fossweb.com/modulesK-2/


Social Studies

¨     With the Google Earth app (free), you can show students how far away another city, state or country is by flying from your school to that new location. You can show students simple maps, as well as 3D replications of famous buildings and cities. If you take a field trip, have students take photos of what they see. Then, you can upload the photos to that location on Google Earth, and take a virtual tour to remember the trip. Students could take pictures of their families, and you could take a virtual tour of your community, stopping at each student’s home.


All subjects

¨     In the App store, download either Teach Me: Toddler, Teach Me: Kindergarten, or Teach Me: 1st Grade, depending on students’ levels. All are $0.99. You can also try Teach Me: Colors, which is $1.99.

¨     List of online educational games at http://teachers.cr.k12.de.us/~galgano/klinks.htm

¨     Kid-friendly videos on just about anything available at http://www.kideos.com/


Teacher Uses

File sharing with other teachers

¨     Start an account on Google.

¨     Using Google docs, you can create, co-create, edit, and share Word documents, Excel files, PowerPoint presentations, and forms. Google docs allows several people to work together to create or edit these files. It’s also web-based, meaning whatever you create is accessible from any device with Internet – computer, iPads, etc.


Track student progress with Google docs

¨     On Google docs, create an Excel file.

¨     Label each column with a student’s name.

¨     Label each row with an objective from that week, month, or year.

¨     As you monitor your class, you can assess students’ progress toward each objective. On the iPad, you can mark the date achieved, a check-mark, or a quick note – whatever works for you.

¨     You can access this document from any computer, print it out, and use it for parent-teacher conferences, grading, etc.


Record students’ language skills

¨     Download the free Voice Memo app.

¨     As students practice reading, story-telling, speaking, or singing skills, you can record them and save the file with their name and date.

¨     Teachers can analyze the recordings later, can share them with parents or other teachers, or can have students listen to the recordings over time, to hear their own progress. Teachers can also record their own voice reading, to help demonstrate fluency for students.

¨     To keep recordings, you can e-mail them to yourself and then save them in a DropBox account.


Support Vocabulary with Images and Videos

¨     Using the web browser, find images and videos related to specific units and/or vocabulary

¨     Organize these files in the iPhoto app, by unit, topic, or lesson

¨     When introducing a word or concept (or referring to it), pull up and image or video to help build students’ background knowledge

¨     You can also create your own video podcast, using your images and narrated with your own voice, to support students. To do this, you’ll need to download StoryRobe (free) from the App store.



¨     Start a free account at http://www.dropbox.com

¨     Dropbox is an online storage site. You can drop files here and access them from any device with Internet access – iPads, desktop computers, laptops, etc. You can also share files with other teachers through your DropBox account.


Lesson and Unit Planning

¨     From the App Store, download IdeaSketch (free) OR Popplet (free)

¨     These apps allow you to create planning and brainstorming flow-charts during meetings or on the go


Note Taking

¨     If you’re used to writing notes by hand, accompanied by drawn diagrams or images, the iPad allows you to do this, using your finger or a stylus.

¨     From the App store, download Sundry Notes (free) OR Penultimate ($0.99), both of which allow you to write, save, and organize notes, as you would in a notebook.


Photo Editing

¨     Edit photos using http://www.picnik.com – this site allows you to use Photoshop-like components all online, without having to download any software. You upload a photo from your iPad, edit it on the website, and then save the new version back to iPhoto.


Hands-On Activity Instruction Videos

¨     When lesson planning, check out the video instructions on http://www.activitytv.com

¨     These can give you ideas, and you can show the videos to students over and over when they’re completing an activity or craft.


Other Resources

¨     The website Learning in Hand provides ideas for utilizing mobile devices, including iPads, in education. http://learninginhand.com/ipad/

¨     The website Classroom 2.0 is an online social network for teachers integrating technology into their classrooms. The forum is one of the most useful aspects of this site – simply post a question about using the iPad, and thousands of teachers from around the globe will be able to answer it. http://www.classroom20.com



Good luck!

- Katy


I really enjoyed reading you ideas for using iPads in the classroom. Though there are obviously lots of ways for teachers and students to make use of the iPad, I thought using it to keep student records and portfolios is great. I am currently in college, but in almost all of my education classes I have been informed of the importance of keeping good records of student progress. Using the iPad’s touchscreen to have students write or trace letters and saving the document makes a great deal of sense and would definitely cut down on the amount of paper documentation that is needed. My certification area is Special Education. I can imagine that this would be very useful as not all students are able to manipulate a pen or pencil. By using the iPad to finger-trace the letters, students are able to work on letter recognition and acquisition while the teacher is able to document progress for future reference. I also like the idea of using the iPad to record student’s language skills. As students are working on word fluency and speech skills, they are able to listen to previous recordings to see their progress. I believe that both of these methods of documentation will serve as motivation for students as they are able to keep track of their progress over time. It also seems like it would be great for parents as teachers are able to share students progress and accomplishments via email. I’m know the iPad can be purchased with a few different storage capacities. Have you found that student portfolios can be stored on the iPad, or is it necessary to export information to a different computer?
When I work with teachers, I recommend getting a data storage account in the cloud, on a website like Dropbox. That way, they can store any files they'd like to save in the cloud and can access them from any computer, without taking any space on the iPad. In addition, teachers can have shared Dropbox accounts in order to share information about students (this is especially helpful for sped students, who work with multiple teachers).



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