My students are creating CDs about the Oregon Trail. They will be designing the inserts for the cases, writing the lyrics, and recording the songs. They will all be done to the tune of "classic" children's songs. Let us send them to you please! This is all it would take from you -- Play the CD in class, or give it to a kid to bring home, and then write, record, or skype in live to our class the kid's review of the CD. That's it. So simple, so cool, so you know you want to do it. Please take a leap and join us!
Paul Bogush
Wallingford, CT

Tags: CD, social, studies

Views: 134

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We are studying Westward Expansion now. We are working a Pioneer simulation now and following our path in Google Earth. We would love to hear your songs and add to our experience.
Great send me an email with your school's address and it will be sent out in about three weeks!
Wait a minute. CD's? What if they want to just go with mp3's and design, hmmm, I don't know, concert posters? :D
I know, I know. Not all kids have computers or mp3 players at home.

I may have a couple of kids who'd need to do this instead of the Venture Capitalist idea. ;-) Am in the process of sending you an email.

For anyone interested in this project or any overland trail project, this book should help:
The Prairie Traveler: A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions (published in 1859) written by Capt. Randolph Barnes Marcy, U.S.A.

Capt. Marcy wrote this essential guidebook to heading West in 1859 at the direction of the War Department, which had become alarmed at the flood of inexperienced pioneers setting out for the Western frontier. A best-seller in its time and still in print today, this book tells you everything you need to know about going West, and includes a number of detailed itineraries.

I used to own a hardcopy, but I think it never returned from a loan-out. :(
Why not concert posters...ready for this.
When they are done with the songs I have them cut and paste the lyrics into paragraphs and then I can tell the high school teachers that yes, my kids did write an essay on the Oregon Trail. When they were finished with the children's books on the War of 1812 I told the kids that they would not have to write a 10 paragraph essay on the War -- opps sorry, you already did it except we called it a book. Kids will write a lot when they don't know they are being given a writing assignment.



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