If you try the recording "LINK" and it doesn't work, it could be that the recording wasn't made. If multiple recordings were made by accident in the same session room, you can click on the "TABLE" link to see them all.
Abbe Waldron | Hosting a Skype Author Visit | LINK | TABLE |
Alisa Wright | Studucate | LINK | TABLE |
Ann Gaudino | Utilizing Social Media to Teach an Online Course | LINK | TABLE |
Ari Bader-Natal | Leveraging web videos to truly flip the classroom | LINK | TABLE |
Brad Wilson | The New Newsletter | LINK | TABLE |
Carla Arena | Enhancing Teacher Learning Skills Through Free and Open Online Training Sessions | LINK | TABLE |
Chad Lehman | Anywhere, Anytime Learning | LINK | TABLE |
Chryssanthe Sotiriou | skype-is-the-limit-edmodo-says-no | LINK | TABLE |
Dean Shareski | The importance and seriousness of silly | LINK | TABLE |
Elaine Plybon | Transforming Lessons with Technology | LINK | TABLE |
Elaine Plybon | Leveraging the Power of Social Media in the Classroom | LINK | TABLE |
Gail Casey | Creative Learning Environments Promote Creative Thinking | LINK | TABLE |
Gigi Johnson | Hunting & Gathering: Helping Creative Students Build Their Social Media Presence Wisely | LINK | TABLE |
Hall Davidson | The First Truly Collaborative, Impromptu, Online Social Keynote in the History of The World | LINK | TABLE |
Jackie Gerstein | The Equity Game: An Example of Experiental and Mobile Learning | LINK | TABLE |
Jason Graham | What's Your Story? Creating and Connecting with Digital Stories in the Early Years | LINK | TABLE |
Jennifer Garcia | WoW - We're Reading, Reflecting and Working as a Team! | LINK | TABLE |
Jennifer Judkins | Giving Students a Creative Voice Through Digital Storytelling | LINK | TABLE |
Jenny Lussier | Research, Technology & the Common Core - Grades K-4 | LINK | TABLE |
Jon Orech | The Digital Citizenship Project | LINK | TABLE |
Josh Allen | Creating a 24/7 Professional Development Model | LINK | TABLE |
Kass Bates | Digital Media Festivals for Elementary Students | LINK | TABLE |
Kate Gatto | Social Networking for Social Good with TakingITGlobal for Educators | LINK | TABLE |
Kati Searcy | Digital Authentic Assessment | LINK | TABLE |
Katie Leach | It's not just "Icing on the Cake" in Student Competitions | LINK | TABLE |
Kim Jurczak | Building Real-World Skills - Increasing Collaboration within the Classroom and Beyond | LINK | TABLE |
Kristen Swanson | Making Online Learning Environments "Brain Friendly" | LINK | TABLE |
Kristina Holzweiss | Join the Common Core Conversation | LINK | TABLE |
Lance Rougeux | Becoming Social(er): Why Does Community Matter? | LINK | TABLE |
Leigh A. Hall | Social Networking for Teacher Education | LINK | TABLE |
Lesley Farmerr | Directing the Moral Compass: Teaching Digital Citizenship for Social Justice | LINK | TABLE |
Letia Cooper | If It's Not Free, It's Not For Me! | LINK | TABLE |
Letia Cooper | 100+ STEM Websites & Webtools For Teachers | LINK | TABLE |
Linda Rush | Text to Speech on the iPad | LINK | TABLE |
Lisa Martin | O-MUN: How Wikis, Blogs, Facebook, Virtual Classrooms = The First Online Model UN Program | LINK | TABLE |
Lisa Parisi | UDL In the Classroom: Reaching All Students with Technology | LINK | TABLE |
Lisa Ripley | Role Playing - A Web 2.0 Twist on an Old Practice | LINK | TABLE |
Luann Edwards | Creating a Library Website to Support Information Literacy Needs | LINK | TABLE |
Maja Dakic-Brkovic | Podcast in Piano Lessons | LINK | TABLE |
Mamzelle Adolphine | Moving Students Up The Technology Ladder | LINK | TABLE |
Mardelle Sauerborn | SkypePlay | LINK | TABLE |
Mark Hines | Analyzing the Conversation in Informal Online Communities | LINK | TABLE |
Martha Lackey | 2nd Grade Bilingual Students Create Innovative Lessons for Author Bryan Chick | LINK | TABLE |
Matt Monjan | Ten Media Tips-n-Tricks You Can Use in Your Classroom Tomorrow - And One to Inspire You | LINK | TABLE |
Melda Yildiz | Teaching Beyond Borders: Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia in Teacher Education | LINK | TABLE |
Melda Yildiz | Teaching Beyond Borders: Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia in Teacher Education | LINK | TABLE |
Melissa A. Venable | Social Media for Learning: The Twitter Alternative to Online Discussion Forums | LINK | TABLE |
Melissa Green | Creating Student ePortfolios | LINK | TABLE |
Michele Eaton | My Big Campus: Teaching 21st Century Skills in a Digital Learning Environment | LINK | TABLE |
Mr Goran Brkovic | Using YouTube for teaching piano accompaniment | LINK | TABLE |
Nicole Naditz | Just-in-time support using free online tools | LINK | TABLE |
Paula L. Naugle | Get Your Students Connected Globally Through Blogging | LINK | TABLE |
Peg Hartwig | Closing the STE...M Gap: Mathematics Integration through 21st C publishing | LINK | TABLE |
Rachelle Wooten | 10 Reasons You Should be Podcasting | LINK | TABLE |
Revathi Viswanathan | Social Networking to Promote Language Learning | LINK | TABLE |
Richard C. Close | The Birth of Social Flash Learning in the Global Collaborative and The Global Learning Framework | LINK | TABLE |
Rita A. Mortenson | Cool Educational Uses for QR Codes | LINK | TABLE |
Robert Maxwell | Blended Undergraduate Biology: A Connectivist Approach | LINK | TABLE |
Robert Sbaglia | Connecting students across and beyond schools | LINK | TABLE |
Roxanne Clement | Student Learning 24/7! | LINK | TABLE |
Sandra Bassendowski | I have an avatar- How can she help me with my teaching? | LINK | TABLE |
Sean Thompson | Social Learning in the 21st Century Begins with Basic Understanding of Digital Citizenship | LINK | TABLE |
Shannon Parker | Research Remix | LINK | TABLE |
Shelly D Gooden | Social Learning and Creating Social Change | LINK | TABLE |
Sonia Sison | Web2.0fying Classrooms | LINK | TABLE |
Sonja Sharp | At the sharp end of the pencil - Driving Technology Adoption | LINK | TABLE |
Teresa Mackinnon | Breaking out of the walled garden | LINK | TABLE |
Thomas McLaughlin | Mini video lessons lead to an effective differentiation model | LINK | TABLE |
Torrey Trust | Modeling Lifelong Learning Through Technology | LINK | TABLE |
Troy Tenhet | Using ePals and Skype To Reach the World | LINK | TABLE |
Valerie R. Burton | Creating ePortfolios using Weebly | LINK | TABLE |
Verena Roberts | The Future Classroom Blending Online and F2f Learning | LINK | TABLE |
Vicki Phillips | Using VoiceThreads to Teach College Literature Courses | LINK | TABLE |
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