Jacqueline Marien
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  • Bonnie Kaplan

Jacqueline Marien's Page

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
SUNY New Paltz
About Me
Senior at SUNY New Paltz studying to be an English teacher. Love working in the classroom and aquiring new skills to help me along the way of my teaching profession.

Jacqueline Marien's Blog

November 8, 2007

Posted on November 8, 2007 at 7:41pm 0 Comments

After a very long Wednesday, I did not want to get up this morning. However, I knew today was very important because I had a new lesson and my observer was coming in today. I was feeling good when I left the house and I got to school at a very good time. I was ready to start my day. Unfortunately, karma was not good to me today and I locked myself out of my car. It was a little damper in my day until I paid a lot of…


November 2 and November 5

Posted on November 5, 2007 at 11:00pm 0 Comments

November 2 was spent observing some more classes with different teachers as well as some more 36 day writing workshop with my cooperating teacher. One of the teachers that I observed had a 10 honors class and she sat down with me and explained her logisitics of teaching. One of the things I really liked was this concept of a dilectal journal in which the students had to pick quotes that referred to a theme and then explain it. She also explained to me that she was going to…


October 29th

Posted on October 29, 2007 at 4:23pm 2 Comments

Today I have so much work to get done so I will just give a list of things that I did today:

  • Shadowed a female student and was very impressed with the classes she was taking. It ranged from jewerely design to treble choir to precalculus to advanced painting and drawing. I have seen two different math teachers and two different economic teachers. It is interesting to see the variety of teaching skills among the teachers
  • I sat in and observed the second day of the…

Still Observing

Posted on October 23, 2007 at 2:36pm 3 Comments

My day is spent still observing my c.t. and getting used to the building. There was a new set of students in the AIS class today, due to the A/B day schedule. I think it is there I might build a closer connection with students because the work is one on one. There is no lesson planning for AIS because it is the Learning Center as well. The students come in to work on essays or work for other classes. The drama class is watching Taming of the Shrew and we are finishing the movie as well as… Continue

Utterly Different

Posted on October 22, 2007 at 2:09pm 4 Comments

I do not know if I have the words to describe my experience today on my first day at HH high school. I do know that I did not come home with a splitting headache, a dry mouth, or agida because the children were so incredibly different than the middle school students. I feel like I have entered teh twilight zone and I am in the perfect school. The students do not fight in the hallways, they do not talk back to the teachers, they are actually smiling, and they acknowledge your presence. Now I… Continue

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At 9:10pm on September 12, 2007, esiren55 said…
i don't know if you remember me Erica Barbara's granddaughter(from NYC) i found you on one of my random quests on the Internet im not crazy or anything but im coming out from being a hermit and basically getting in touch with everyone from my past! so i just googled your name and found you how random is that kinda scary! well in any case i would love to speak to you and your sister again you people are awesome! my email address is esiren55@gmail.com write anytime kit E!
At 6:39am on September 11, 2007, Bonnie Kaplan said…
I'm sitting here at Natalie's desk watching you get the class focused on their do now. It's a hard start. I wonder if you picked up that pen and started writing with them what would happen? Just something to think about.
At 2:06pm on September 10, 2007, Bonnie Kaplan said…
If you look to the right column you can see why this is a very unique site. It's all about teachers. So when you get a chance(ha, ha) check out some of the discussions that catch you eye. I love this site. See you tomorrow. Your posts are great. Keep them coming. I would also cut and paste copies for you to keep on your hard drive.
At 6:14am on August 29, 2007, Bonnie Kaplan said…
Greetings Jackie,
Now that you are here, you can use this page to keep your teaching journal, or move to our shared page. You have accepted my invitation, so if you go there you should find a spot of the left side of the page to accept your invitation and get linked to it. http://classroom20.ning.com/group/aventuresinteaching/
Let me know what happens. I am wondering if you get an email that you have a comment here.
And as we begin, I know that you are nervous, that will never go away no matter how many years you teach. I still get it when the fall arrives. UGH! I like Ocotober better than September. Or the second day better than the first etc.
Break a leg.


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