  • 45, Female
  • Addison, IL
  • United States
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Kathleen's Colleagues

  • Aalia Jennison
  • Angela White
  • Denise Williams
  • Sherry Sejnost
  • Chicago Teacher
  • TeacherTec
  • Just One More Book! Children's Book Podcast
  • Dean Poignant
  • lou leonards
  • Govinda Prasad Panthy
  • Melissa
  • Katie
  • Kenneth Kwame Welsh
  • Daniela
  • Mini

Kathleen's Discussions


Yay...New Toy!

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School / Work Affiliation
Schiller Park School District
About Me
My graduate course is jumping into the 2.0 world as well, here is the link to our discussions.

All about me!

This is a site that I have been looking for for a long time. I am so excited that I have found a place that I can use to collaborate with others who like to teach as much as I do. I have been teaching for six years now and have had a different position every year. I began teaching third grade and I looped with those kids for three years. I liked looping so much that I did it again! This year I am splitting my time between reading and technology. Because this is so new for me, I am trying to get as much advice as possible. My school houses fourth and fifth grade and we just implemented four mobile labs. This is both exciting and trying. I am really looking forward to discussing with many 2.0 classrooms!

Kathleen's Blog

So much information...

Posted on March 29, 2008 at 12:02pm 0 Comments

I have always been pretty on top of the most recent technology. I remember Mr. Hodges telling us all about this new thing, "The World Wide Web." We got to go online and get information about our favorite animals before we wrote our reports in seventh grade. I actually turned mine into a hypercard presentation. This was in 1993. This was huge.

I met my husband in high school and he was the senior that worked with the underclassman to e-mail eachother. We sat at my aunt's house and he… Continue

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At 12:17pm on August 5, 2010, Denise Williams said…
Thanks Kathy! I am sure I will be using it a ton this school year! I can't wait to get started!
At 7:09am on January 3, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Kathleen!

Happy New Year! I was wondering if you or your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some educator contacts you could direct me to. We'd really like to get more students involved from Illinois!

You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
At 11:52am on December 24, 2008, Dean Poignant said…
Hi Kathleen,

Here is the link to that technology program at the DuPage ROE:


It's titled, "Diary of the Not So Wimpy Media Specialists - K12." According to the program's description, people will learn about many technology applications including PhotoStory 3, AP Images, netTrekker, Inspiration and Discovery Streaming.

It's going to be held on January 14. Happy Holidays!

At 7:09am on December 22, 2008, Dean Poignant said…

It's very nice to hear from you. I agree, this is a great site - I just discovered it recently.

I'm going to be attending a cool program at the DuPage County ROE soon about technology that you may be interested in. I think it's geared towards learning center people; however, it sounds like they will be discussing and demonstrating some really cool techno teaching tools.

PFS is getting a mobile lab which should be up and running by the end of X-mas break. :-)

At 7:02am on November 4, 2008, Benjamin Stewart said…
Hello Kathleen, I´ve read your prior posts and I see that you are interested in UbD principals as they pertain to EFL/ESL. Where are you within the change process with regards to syllabus design?
At 3:58pm on July 31, 2008, Katie said…
Maybe! I can't get the password to match the email address. It was getting me too upset, so I just started over.
At 9:28am on July 24, 2008, Katie said…
Kath, I don't know how...maybe I haven't used it enough...but I couldn't log in to my old page on this. I had to start over...hmm. Hope you are having a good day!
At 12:09pm on April 19, 2008, Vincent Mespoulet said…
Hi Kathleen,

I don't understand where is your true problem... i helped my student who had no mail (just a few) to create an email account before registration. It's very easy...
Alle my students are registered on my ning School Beyond the Walls. I would be interested to exchenge some ideas with teachers like you because we find very few ning sites mixing students and teachers. In our School Beyond the Walls, the social network involve students from many countries. Why not you and your students to elaborate projects together ? it's the bast way to experiment educational uses of Nings... And now we have a strong experience about it :)

Have a good day, Kathleen
Vincent from France
At 11:14pm on April 4, 2008, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hi Kathleen I had not taught these age groups until last year. With the grades 3 and 4, we worked a lot with MS Photostory where students made digital movies - one was for Fathers Day, with photos and lots of treasured memories and comments about their Dad. We also got a webkinz pet and joined the kinzexchange blog where we took photos our our pet, and posted a descriptor on a shared blog with other countries, mainly Canada and USA. Students looked after Patch, our virtual pet, in his virtual world. This year, they have started their own individual blogs, but it is very early days with that, but students love having ownership of their own blog and seeing it online. We have also joined in on some global projects, through www.projectsbyjen.ning.com which have been a great success. Means we have connected with others on a global level in relatively simple projects. We have also joined the www.ms1001tales.wikispaces.com and www.es1001tales.wikispaces.com where students write a story that is evaluated, commented upon and assessed by students in another country. Our grade 6 (11 and 12 year olds) have produced podcasts, using audacity and they are stored online and attached to our classroom blogs
At 8:23pm on March 30, 2008, Mini said…
Kathy, I will be in San Diego that weekend in June/July. Do you still think I should do this project? I am not at all confident...I feel like I have nothing to show.


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