In the year of 2011, I left my work and moved to Reuver, I decided to stay in Holland and found me a career as a Chinese teacher. There is a Chinese saying: Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job. (工欲善其事,必先利其器 gong yù shàn qís hì, bì xiān lì qí qì). Besides Chinese Literature, I thought it’s not enough. I have to acquire certification, it’s necessary. I took some online courses, and prepared the exam which was from Taiwan Ministry of Education The Certificate of Qualification to Teach Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language. The subjects are Chinese, Chinese grammar, Chinese teaching methods, Chinese society and culture and Chinese speaking and expression. I found the most difficult subject to me is speaking test, since I speak “Taiwanese Mandarin” it’s quite different to Chinese Peking Mandarin in accent and words expression. What I did is to watch Chinese TV drama. After few months working hard, I past it (2011 51 past 5 subjects at the 1st time), I took another English test and receive my certification.
While I was preparing the exam, I found there is a online Chinese teaching training by Mandarin Training Center, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University. I took the courses. After 1 week intensive class and 5 months practice teaching 4 Thailand students, I found this is what I want. I decided to work on this…
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