Scott Beiter
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  • Scott Habeeb
  • Damian Thomas
  • Carol LaRow
  • Daniel Rezac
  • EduPunker
  • Kevin
  • Chuck Serventi
  • David
  • Emma
  • fernando albuquerque costa
  • Neli Maria Mengalli
  • Dean Mantz
  • John Costilla
  • Tim Holt
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Scott Beiter's Discussions

Class Blog Exchange

Started this discussion. Last reply by James E. Schwartz Oct 21, 2013. 3 Replies

School Web Lockers

Started this discussion. Last reply by Galvin Radley L. Ngo Oct 2, 2012. 9 Replies

Suggestions for Online Science Textbooks

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judy Baker Feb 9, 2010. 10 Replies


Done...for now

The reflective piece is done.
The links are all active.
The webquest is webquesty.

One thing I find amazing about doing web development and other on-line work (like blogging)is the deception of time. A task that seems should be alloted a mere hour ends up needing 3 or more. A ten minute blog post or 15 minute glimpse of the aggregator turns into over an hour. My TV viewing is suffering! But, I must say I am satisfied with the current progress of my eportfolio. Much of the design aspect still needs a bit of work. The colors are pleasant and the links work.

My webquest is a bit more of a work in progress. I had about ten ideas around the same premise and forced myself to start on one. If I had not I'd still be pondering which one to do. In hindsight one of the other options may have been easier to develop. Oh well. I'll be pressing the fingers this week.

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8th Grade Science Teacher
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Scott Beiter's Blog

My New Blog on Tech, Learning and Such (Hello APPR)

Posted on September 29, 2011 at 3:56pm 0 Comments

Just started a new blog to meet APPR reflection requirements.  I've always wanted to get one going anyhow and this was the perfect opportunity.  One of my first posts is about using my Xoom to remotely access my school computer.  Pretty cool.

I'll be posting about twice a month.



Posted on January 4, 2011 at 5:49pm 6 Comments

This week begins my experiment with Edmodo.  I began with some netiquette guidelines in each of my classes.  My intention is to start with using it for absent students and homework help.  I'll incorporate it more as time goes on, beginning with my highschool general chemistry class.  What will be the results?  I don't know.  But I do know that I'm glad I'm starting this experiment now before incorporating it full tilt next school year.


Posted on February 12, 2009 at 12:57pm 0 Comments

This blog has been stagnant for awhile so I decided I'd better update it. I was reminded to do this after a few students decided to Google me while we were in the computer lab. I was actually a bit embarrassed that they would see out of date information. Thankfully, I try to keep my online presence middle school appropriate.

First Class Done

Posted on May 27, 2008 at 8:47am 0 Comments

Finished my first graduate course for my instructional technology program and loved it. I got so much more out of it than I did with my first masters in science education. I look forward to the one week intensive class I'll be taking this summer on hypermedia design and instruction. I also have the opportunity to begin redesigning my curriculum for next year. I'm going to further differentiate my instruction by adding more instructional technology options for students.

Graduate Work

Posted on February 4, 2008 at 9:43am 0 Comments

Started the jouney of instructional technology graduate study this past week. This is my first on-line course and so far I'm enjoying it. Since I've been coming to this site and others to discuss and collaborate, I've already done much of what I'll be doing in my first class. My experiences on-line I feel have helped me greatly. Reading blogs in my aggregator and posting to discussions has really primed me for what is expected in this class. At the moment I feel as if I'm in cruise control and… Continue

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At 2:37pm on January 31, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Scott. I was wondering if any of your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some other educator contacts you could direct me to. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 8:34am on January 14, 2009, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Scott,

With your class work in Education Technology, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service.
At 8:12pm on August 9, 2008, Kevin said…

Hi, this is Kevin. Hope your summer is going well and you had some time to relax.

I've started a new Ning network for Middle School Science Teachers and I thought you might like to join as you are also a m.s. science teacher. I thought it would be really good to have just middle school science teachers share some of their labs, demos, concerns, what works and what doesn't about teaching this level.

Hope to see you there.

Thanks, Kevin
At 2:19pm on November 14, 2007, Rick Biche said…
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the invite. Its nice to find some other science folks. What do you (or rather your students) do in 8th grade science?
At 6:01am on August 15, 2007, Christine Southard said…
FYI - On Friday, October 26, there is a tech conference in Rockland County, NY.
At 7:42pm on June 27, 2007, Christine Southard said…
Hi Scott, I'm interested in finding out more information on the "Get in the Game, TEACH!" conference in Albany/Troy. Can forward me a link or contact info?
At 11:38am on May 21, 2007, Sue R. said…
Yes, Scott, I see that divide, too. I also agree whole-heartedly with your point that real technology integration won't come from a 2 hour seminar lecture given from on high. I think that the current state of public school regulations and pressure to perform on tests is adding to the problem--innovation and experimentation are risky and time consuming. Forgive me if I'm being too political.
At 8:22pm on May 20, 2007, Sue R. said…
Hi, Scott,

If I weren't heavily into end of year report burn out, I would chew your ear off about the higher ed, teaching schools, etc. divide and the specific effect that regulation has had. Maybe I'll do so anyhow!

I'm enjoying some freedoms, and no budget, little pay, etc., being private K-8 and at the same time, we are finding ourselves a real magnet for the nearby teacher training courses at the local state university. Faculty there value having a chance to send their students in to our schools to teach a lesson, or observe, in our environment.

The ideas of the "teaching schools" that used to be are only carried through where the university can connect with educators willing to experiment and having the freedom to do so! Universities often had daycare and preschool centers in the past, which were known for their quality and innovation. Now, so many communities have no choice, and so many teachers have no latitude...

I really believe the university-run, or philosophically "developmentally appropriate" or "Reggio-Emilia based" private schools have an opportunity, and a duty, to prove their worth to society by getting in our faces with their success stories!

If only, of course, we had the time for p.r. tasks...

Sue R.


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