I am currently attending Johnson University to become a teacher. I have been quite surprised at the differences that have been made over the years since I have been in Elementary schools. There are new ways of teaching certain subjects. There are a great difference in the type of technology we use to use. When I was in school we used overhead projectors many times to work on worksheets. The teacher uses new technology now with things such as smart boards, laptops, and even Ipads for each individual student. The disciplinary actions are even different now. There are less physical disciplinary actions than there was back then. Technology is probably the biggest difference in the past years that has changed in the classroom. I believe that there are some things that have changed for the better over the years like technology in the classroom, but there are some things that should not change. Could this benefit the students better? Is the technology really making a good difference in the classroom? I think it has.

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I think technology is making a huge difference in the classroom. Students are used to constantly being stimulated by their phones and expect that in the classroom as well, otherwise they get bored. We need to start thinking of new ways to get students engaged so they want to continue to learn. So many students want the grade, but don't actually care about learning the material and that needs to change. If we can use technology in the classroom, maybe we can save some students. Just a few thoughts. 

I have recently completed three technology related courses through North Tier.  One of those was Using Mobil Devices in the Classroom and focused on BYOD and 1:1 initiatives.  I have been in the education field for several years, but working with Kindergarteners.  The county where I teach (Loudoun County, Virginia) is fairly progressive in its' utilization of technology, but it was still an eye opener to see the many ways smart phones, in particular, are being used.  My concern is that technology availability, even within the same county is inequitable. I teach in a Title 1 school with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged families.  BYOD would not work here the way it might on the other side of the county.  Due to budget constraints, the county's 1:1 initiative has been put on hold, as well.

Education is getting increasingly competitive in today's world and new scientific researches are suggesting more and more innovative techniques on how it can be made more efficient and effective.



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