Hi all, I've been heavily researching and learning all about web 2.0/social networking in education for a couple of weeks now and it seems like it would be a good idea to set a foundation and some goals and metrics for the space.

Please let me know if this is happening somewhere else on the web, if it is I'll be happy to join the discussion/collaboration there.

If it is not, I think this is a pretty good place to start.

I'm suggesting that we as a group of vested, interested, informed individuals build a definition set, come up with some goals and ways to measure those goals.

I'll propose a few ideas here and look forward to your thoughts.

I know a lot of definitions are happening in wikipedia naturally but I thought this group would a have a perception of the key words that would be helpful to ourselves versus the general masses.

Please Define
social networking
web 2.0
educational efficiency

# of teachers using web 2.0
# of conferences
# of students participating here
improved learning efficiencies
educating students in new communication techniques

I think this will help us bring new folks into the fold and help our initiative grow.

Any thoughts?

Tags: blog, definitions, goals, metrics, networking, plan, podcast, social

Views: 274

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I've taught elementary gifted kiddos for 25 years and NOTHING has changed to meet their needs in the classroom in all those years. You may think I'm exaggerating but I'm not, actually things are getting worse. With NCLB's focus on testing many teachers are not differeniating at all and areas of interest to bright kids--history, science, technology, research, creative writing are being left by the roadside. I put a lot of blame on the parents. Whoa--got off topic, too. N.
Dream on.....
It can and may (hopefully). Several issues are looming--pre-service teachers are being trained in the same way I was 35 years ago and universities are judging kids the same way they did 100 years ago. If today's kids are being taught using old tools and methods to stay in a track universities will value, not much is going to change. sniff sniff
any ideas on terminology or stats we can use to help present the change to the schools?

it seems social networking has a bad rap and web 2.0 is too big and cumbersom.

how about student networking, learning networking, social learning?

info on how other countries are achieving their competitive adavantage in education?

stats of US use of tech compared to other countries



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