Hi there,
Long silence on this list explained by my move to NZ (a fantastic country) and a new job. I am now developer/programmer in a company that specializes in innovation in education.
In that context, I will have to write the specifications for a redesign of a website that is all about providing information to teachers about software they could be interested to use to support their teaching or their students' learning.
I have already meddled with that on my own time. Some of you may have already come across the gallery
widgets and web 2.0 applications for learning that I maintain on my private website.
I would be most interested to get as much input as I can from teachers about what their needs and expectations are. Frankly, it is to your own benefit. Somebody will be paying for the work and an experienced company will be carrying out that work. However, the end result will be a website that is publicly accessible. If you can influence the content or the ease of searching of that website, you win.
What your needs are may be too vague a question. It is perhaps easier for you to have a look at the
current "software for learning" website and tell me all reasons why you don't like it or it doesn't work for you. It can be the design (you hate the color scheme), the usability (impossible to locate anything... takes hours to get the info you want), the content (resources that you expected to be listed there were not). Anything you can think of.
Also, if you know of websites providing a similar service or education website that you find particularly well designed and well thought, please provide a link to these.
Many thanks in advance