I have seen a few postings about how people are using both gmail and gaggle.net in the classroom.

I tried gmail (using google apps for domain-for teachers) but quickly gave it up. It just did not have the control features available on gaggle.net.

Is there something I am missing? Are there great control features using gmail?

Also, are there other reasons to go back to "Google Apps for Domain", such as powerful blogging tools, etc. I was not impressed with the limited html, but I like the idea of students creating content together using google docs (which I personally use all the time-love the spreadsheet).

Right now I have 2 logins for my students at my classroom website (www.hmstechnology.com). One for Moodle and one for Gaggle.net. Should I add a third for google apps for domain?

Just wanted to get some debate going and learn some new things.



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Phil -

I am just getting started using SchoolMail from epals with my middle school students. It's free and offers complete monitoring and control. You can find it at http://epals.com
Aah, very good. I have heard of them before, but I thought they charged money.

Did they at one time charge money?

Thanks again for your help,

They used to charge, but are now free. They also offer SchoolBlogs, but I haven't tried that service. I like schoolmail better than gaggle b/c it is ad free, which is important to me.
Gaggle also works with Google email accounts to give you those controls. That may be an option for you.
You lost me here. Where can I learn more how to do this. So students log into gmail, but have access to their google accounts? Is this through email forwarding?



It provides archiving, spam and porn filtering, teacher control, and CIPA compliance for Google.
It appears that they charge for this. Were you able to set it up for free at your school?





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