I need to show web 2.0 to admin people and I have a whole 30 minutes!

Ok, a bit of a dilemma, I have to show the central office people a rough view of the awesome tools of web 2.0...I have 30 minutes to make a statement to them?
I am on my knees and grateful for any ideas!!!
First of all, a BIG thank you to all of my virtual friends that lended their expertise to my dilemma.. It was a big success by beginning my presentation by showing them NING and my forum discussion and showing them everyone's response and their faces were priceless when I informed them I had never met any of my "friends" f2f!!
Then, I showed them Gerald's W O N D E R F U L presentation which had many stepping off points and they left with some comprehension that the world is bigger than just them and there is much to learn!

Tags: 2.0, administration, web

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You've already gotten a lot of good suggestions. Here's mine. One of the benefits of belonging to a social networking site like this or an email discussion list, or twitter or whatever, is the increasing ability to get answers to pressing questions rapidly-because, more often than not, somewhere in the world, someone online is paying attention who has the answer you need. And you can get that answer within a few hours if not minutes. I'd look through the postings and exchanges here for one in which a classroom teacher somewhere in the world posed a question about a particular problem that they faced and received several replies within a short period of time. Try to find one that also has some feedback from the original poster about how they made use of the posted responses. In fact, you could even you this very post of your own to demonstrate how you turned to your social network for advice. If you have enough time, you could find a few such examples in a wide range of topic areas from integrating technology to teaching a particular subject area in order to demonstrate how both teachers and administrators can benefit. More and more administrators are blogging too such as Mrs. Melinda Miller over at http://weprincipal.blogspot.com/ Central Office types might be especially interested to see how administrators can benefit as well.
I would agree with Barry on showing them what they can do with it.

Most administrators I speak with are a bit wary of the commenting feature even if it is moderated but most are interested with the idea of using Google News to search for their school district or school when it's mentioned in the news and adding that to an RSS feed and realizing that they are now automatically notified when they're in the news.
Make it personal for them.
The connection may not be the classroom, but is likely some kids they know - children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews. Show them what their kids are doing. Do they use instant messaging with them?
Then show them how you are using the tools - personally (like here) and in your classroom. A couple powerful examples will get them hooked to want to see more rather than overwhelming them with all that's out there (and we know it's lots!).

BTW I'm putting together a similar event, but I have 90 minutes! Good luck!
I second Tammie, the CommonCrft videos are a great introduction to some of the web2.0 tools. There are also some funny ones like Zombies in plain english
Hope your presentation went well. Google's acquisition of Jotspot and their apps for educators is getting interesting...




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