Hi everyone!

I'm Sini Hyytiäinen from Finland and I work daily with video resources for the classroom, mainly tools for making your own online lectures / lessons online.

I'd like to take this opportunity to chat with all the educators here on what you think about making your own videos of your lectures and flipping your classroom. 

What are your opinions on this?

Have you tried different tools?

I really look forward to hearing more from all of you!


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Hi, i would like to learn more about the different digital tools i can use in the classroom. (lessons online)


There are many online learning modes that you can search for. One that I remember was named 1to1 tutor as they had a whole vast modules of real time learning packages and also many free available test modules to judge ones learning as well.

Hi . Thanks for your suggestions. I will search for 1to1 tutor.

Thanks again!

I think there's more to flipping the classroom than videos! My version of a 'flipped' homework is something they prepare at home that can then be built on and used in class and it need not involve a single video! 

I find that many students prefer slideshow type resources of worked solutions (I teach Maths) because they can go through them at their own pace. Too many so called flipped videos with teachers talking too much or pens writing on boards force the pace too much.

Some links that might be useful under the Prepare Ahead heading here.

True! There of course is also the option of combining the two. Have you tried out the service called movenote yet? (www.movenote.com). Its basically combining slides and video easily, just like 9slides, but free. 

Students can then have both video and slides as material for working at home, and just like with slides they can jump to the one they prefer.

I've also been very happy to find teded and udemy. Anyone here use those?

It is really a great idea to go with.



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