What technology are you using in your classrooms?

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We make use of Smart Classrooms such as video tutorials, practical demonstrations as the technological up-gradation in classrooms.

I teach math, we don't use a lot of tech in the actual classroom since we don't have a lot of consistent technology access.

But what I have done successfully is to map out my math class to Khan Academy, Youtube Channels, StudyPug Math & Purple math.  Then I assign homework learning and summer review.

This works for me as while our school/students are not particularly well off financially, we can use these tools to engage the parents to participate in the learning, i.e. watch the videos together in their own time.  But the key to success is also to map my lessons to the math videos and lessons and adapt my old course materials over to it.

In the classroom, students can learn subjects from these methods:-

Video Streaming
Video Conferencing
Collaborative exercises
Use Videos for Mini-Lessons
Introduce a Game-Based Learning Platform

These are all interesting, still when I was writing a dissertation on methodology for online dissertation writing project I found out about the other side of this tech-in-classroom coin.Some are indeed saying that tech is creating more problems in classroom. Attention should be directed at teachers (and Superintendents) who are distracted during classroom time by their own cell phones and other devices. Everyone needs to be a role model when it comes to showing our kids how to use (and appropriately limit the use of) technology and social media.

I’m using Unicheck for now, it’s integrated to our LMS system and furthermore, has Google add-on. 

I have noticed that using a plagiarism checker saves teacher’s time and develop students’ analytical and writing skills, it is a must-use for teachers.


Schools are on the fence about the use of certain mobile devices; thinking they're more a burden than a strategic learning tool.
Schools want to deploy mobile devices but their WiFi networks are not capable of properly supporting the technology

My district uses Google G Suite for Education. It is free and efficient. All students also have access at home to all the tools the Google world has to offer. Google Classroom ties all the resources (Docs, Sheets, Draw, Calendar, Slides, Explore, etc.) together for direct instruction, checking for understanding, and monitoring work. In classroom, you have group discussions where everyone is participating and replying to each other. You can post assignments, videos, music, websites, and educational resources. You can create a Project Based Learning assignment directly to the class or link to a Hyperdoc (https://hyperdocs.co/ ) for students to access. You can monitor writing while students are writing, sending comments in real time for reminders or suggestions. You can do so much more...  You can access this through your phone, tablet, iPad, Chromebook, Macbook, and Windows.

Straight Ahead!

Joel Garcia

Computer and projector.

Both are very old.



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