Dear members am new in this field of IT , I need assistance in building my school website and in hosting it. I don't know how to start

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Habari za Uganda?

There are a million tools for website building, but a good, quick, and free way to get started is either with Google Pages or a wiki like Wikispaces. Both of these provide free hosting and minimal skills to get started.

If you want to get fancier and host your own site, you might try Drupal.

Have fun!

(P.S. This post caught my eye because I taught in Tanzania for a couple years. I loved it there!)
I would recommend finding a good, yet inexpensive web host with a good control panel. Most of the control panels will let you easily install (a few clicks) a Content Management System.

You also need to register a domain--the host can usually take care of that for you (but I prefer to keep the registrar and host separate in case I want to move my site).

There are a number of free open source Content Management Systems. Joomla and Drupal are among the most popular and most control panels include installers for them.

All told, this can easily be done for less $120 USD--or less.
A free website host and excellent builder for non-specialists is It is fairly straightforward and relatively easy to use. Plus it is free! Hope this helps.
I use Dreamweaver software to do our school site. It is hosted on our districts server. If you need a host server, look at I believe the server is in Germany. Cost is very reasonable. They also have on-line web development software that makes page creation pretty easy. Glad to have you as a friend and will help however I can. My e-mail is cobizteacher if you would like to e-mail directly.
Hands down, the best place to start

For site creation service, I highly recommend that you create a website with hPage ( It's super easy to use and you can brand yourself there. If you have Youtube, you can also integrate it easily. You can also purchase your own domain there if you want to take things more personal. I've been a user for some years now and it helped me got started when I had zero knowledge on coding.

There are a number of tools available online to build an awesome website. In that one of my favorite is Weebly. It is a very user-friendly editor with pre-designed page layouts to help you get started, free plans available or from $8 per month. 

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