Use of voicethread, sketchcast and powerpoint in the math classroom

My senior algebra 3 students finished their projects today. They are posted here . Leave a comment on their page or their voicethread.

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This is great...exactly what I want to be able to see to help me with applications in my classroom! I'm not sure how to leave the comment for the students though.
Thanks for taking the time to look at our project. To leave a comment on the voicethread just click on the record button. If your computer has a microphone it will record your voice at the end of their explaination. The other way would be to click the comment tab at the top of the wiki page.
Great stuff! Was this a project the students did in class? My challenge is always using too much class time for hands on work and running out of time for instruction. How did you manage that?


The class is an elective so we have the luxury of using class time. They were given a set of 10 problems to work on in their groups. They worked on them for 1 week and we did the computer application part for another week. This was the first time we had done the audio so it took longer because the equipment was not working for everyone. I had scheduled 2 days for the computer part but we had short periods all week as well due to our annual READ WEEK.



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