This morning I encountered two lists of "Best Web 2.0 Applications for Education."

1. Larry Ferlazzo's at

2. Silvia Tolisano's at

Silvia's is elementary-school focused, and Larry's is general--although at the bottom of Larry's post are links to other more specialized lists he's also created.

Shall we give it a go here? What have been your favorite Web 2.0 apps in education this year? Want to make any predictions for 2008?

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Thanks Helen for this. I had a good look around. You may also be interested in looking at a web 2.0 adventure calendar that one that one of my friends created at

Our school contributed a little towards it as well.
Over my holidays I want to have a really good look around this site as non chalkies have also contributed to it and given out lots of great hints.
My list would have to include:
well, my favorites were Vyew (despite problems with invitations and push-to-talk), ELGG and

Mark from Austria
Here are a few of my faves, all provided from Google Apps:

One of it is the Blogger. I made one. Open the recent version at In my blogger, it is very simple to put things in it. All you have to do is post the things you want to. With the post, you can attach pictures, files, videos etc. Then you arrange it using HTML language. You can also change the layout by clicking on the Setting and choosing the layout for yourself. Your post can contain anything from diaries to even work. I want to put in stories about my daily life.

I have also tried Google Calendar. The Google Calendar is pretty similar to Outlook but the best part about is that you sync it with other people's calendar to find out their availability and also upload to a URL for people to see. You can even put a map on the location of the events using Google Earth as a tool. You can also sync the calendar with Microsoft Outlook which makes it very handy. I am going to make my schedule on UAN.

Orkut is a social networking site. It is very similar to Facebook & Friendster. I really love social networking sites. Orkut is good because it automatically links to the gmail which makes life easier. It also have a feature called Scrapbook which allows user to post pictures and post comments about it. I will use this as a social networking site. Here is a preview of Orkut:

Another software is the Google Reader. It automatically subscribe you to news according to your needs. I chose News, Fun, Celebrities and Finance as my choice of news. I can also choose which news are my favorite using Starred Items and statistics on which news I read on the Trends. I can also sync the reader to my blog.

Google Groups is a software that allows you to make groups and socialize. You can chat about the latest issues and have fun interacting in a community with the same interests as you have. I am going to make a group with Rayhan called Gunggo.

Google Sketchup is a program that allows you to make 3D Models. You can make houses, pools, buildings and structures. It is more or less like the simple free form of 3D Max Studio. I am going to use architect

Google Docs is a group where you can share you data on Internet. You can put in absolutely anything in here from Powerpoint presentation to word documents. It can also allow you to edit it straight on Internet. I am going to post song lyrics.

Google Page Creator allows you to create a website and publish it straight into Internet. It works pretty similarly to the concept of Share Point Designer but it's better because you automatically get a domain name. I am going to make my own website.

Google Picasa allows you to share pictures. You can also edit pictures straight on the net and make collages. It also can store different pictures according to one's needs. You can also classify pictures to make things interesting. I am going to make collage.
Yes, I have to agree that many of Google's free tools have become essential for me!
I've been a huge fan of Jing Project, Animoto, Voice Thread, Scrapblog, and Nagios.

I just came across this new web 2.0 application called Ever Note which looks quite interesting, for OS 10.5 or PC's.

This site also might be good as a repository of a "what's what" for Web 2.0.
I have LOVED using Google Earth! I am interested in trying it out for virtual fieldtrips. I've personally started using Flickr, and I think it has a lot of potential in the classroom.
No, not yet. What makes them stand out?
Well, thank you very much for your advice and for the links! I'll definitely check them out.
A lot of people have mentioned YouTube. Do not forget TeacherTube. Since YouTube is usually blocked by school districts.



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