I am interested in online professional development to become a better teacher in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Sciene. Does anyone have any recommendations? Course credit and units are not necessary. Thanks!
The other day someone sent me the link to PD 360, lots of online videos for teacher professional development. The videos seem to be pretty neatly organized. and they have lots of categories of videos to choose form. I haven't had much time to look over the content of the videos, but the lay out of the site is pretty nice! I signed up for a free trial, which lasts 30 days.
Yup! Check out the k12online2006 & k12online2007. Subscribe to podcasts like the SMARTBoard podcast, the Teachers Podcast, and subject specific ones via iTunes or one the web via RSS. Follow Twitter to find out when live events are ongoing, especially education conferences. Visit webcasting sites to hear live interactive broadcasts about topics in which you are interested. I would suggest EdTechTalk, although that does seem rather like shameless self-promotion. Also look at Blogtalkradio, a bit less intuitive, but useable nonetheless. Ustream events are great and often recorded for later review. Overwhelmed? Start with one thing, just one.