With a variety of easy to use available tools available for getting a class online. Sometimes it may become a biased decision to rely on online classes if we are not exactly tracking if the online classes and the lessons therein are going in the right direction because due to the limitations of the technology at least for sometime in near future it is going to be difficult to collect in time reactive feedback from the students. So it becomes very important to exactly keep track if the on going online lesson thats being dispensed to the student is actually going in the right direction by helping the students or its is going in opposite direction. Such kind of informative data is an absolute necessity for the online classes because every class consumes a lot of human resource, technology and time to be wasted. And in the process of teaching and learning it actually requires more time to backtrack a wrong direction than it happens in any other case. Hence, Intelligent reporting system should be integrated to the elearning system in someform or the other where the teacher gets to know easily if he is going in the right direction or not. This may be in form of graphs or charts showing some sensitive metrics like average marks scored against the number of students attending the class itself. A reporting system can also help administering a online school by making the information about classroom response and enrollments easily available to the administrators for optimal allocation of teacher and resources to popular courses and reworking on courses that are not popular.
Tags: elearning
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