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Greetings from Belgium. I'm IT-coördinator and also coördinator for European schoolprojects (Comenius - eTwinning). I'm quite interested in how to share and create lessons and/or content together. Kind regards, Robert
Welcome Robert. I hope you get encouragement and ideas from all the people here. There is much to learn and share.
Great to see you join Joe. There are also a few more Ning teaching sites that may be of value but this site has a wealth of experience. I hope you can connect with a few of the conversations.
My name is Tina Fortenberry. I am a first grade teacher at a very large K-2 school in Trussville Alabama. I have just been given an aditional job titled "Technology Team Leader". I serve with two others who help trouble shoot technical issues that may come up from time to time. I am very interested in an advice you may have that would help me intergrate technology within my classroom. I am very interested in the 21 century style of learning. Any comments that may help me reach this goal is greatly appreciated.
Welcome Tina. Great to have you in the community. Regarding your question. I suggest you start a discussion on the front page, in one of the groups or in the First Timers site. There are however, many conversations on the use of technology in the classroom. Check them out and start your own discussion.
Hi Tina and welcome. If you look at the current discussions or search back over old ones and forums you will find much to help you in working towards a 21st century style of learning. We are trying to do that at our school. Jess and I are working on laying the eplanks for a virtual school.
Make some friends and join some of the groups as there is a lot to be shared.
Boy, are you in the right place. If you don't find answers here, past, present, and future, I don't think they exist! I get busy and don't get on as regularly as I think about it, but every time I do, I learn something new on the subject - and I've been around a bit. Hope you find the same thing to be true! I also recommend checking out the Elementary Teachers 2.0 group...
My name is Melissa, I have one son and have been teaching for 8-years. Most of my teaching experience is in gifted education. There are lots of great ideas at this site!
It's good that you've joined us Melissa. This is such a rich place but it does rely on you engaging in the conversations. This site, and keeping a blog, has brought it home to me how much more I learn when I spend time in writing a response or recording my thoughts in written form.

Search around and keep track of a few conversations, and of course, share your learning and experience.
Hello everyone,
I am Karl Asher, a 12th grade teacher at Edna Karr High School in New Orleans. I teach World History and AP European History. I am looking forward to exchanging ideas with everyone on way to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Welcome Karl. What is AP European History?
I trust this site provides great professional nourishment that it has for me. Teaching is even more fun when we collaborate in forums such as these. I hope to read your contributions soon.
Hello, everyone! I'm Stephanie Bullock from The Lovett School in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I just watched/listened to Steve H.'s webcast on this Classroom 2.0 ning, and my brain is overflowing! I'm looking forward to all I'm going to learn here.



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