I am doing a collaborative lesson on bridges with our school's science teacher. Does anyone have any samples or ideas on what we could use technology wise?

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Dear Mandie,
Just finished Bridges in my classroom a fortnight ago.
My Student in India from 3 to 6 th grade did various things.

We viewed the Rion Antiro bridge episode from National Geographic Mega Structures Episode.
Learned to Dowloaded U Tube videos on Top 10 Bridges (using both online and offline application)
Learned to Embedd them on classroom blogs.
Student Favourites were candystick bridge competion and Spaghetti bridge competion on U Tube.
We skinned these videos on Slide.com
Kids learned to download software "Westpoint Bridge Designer" and installed it. Had fun buildng bridges and seeing them come crashing down.
At home they build bridges with all sorts of things, matchboxes, blocks, etc. captured its digital image using digicams and cellphones.
Brought these photographs to school and used Animoto to animate the images in a video, added music and embeded this video to class blog.

You are most welcome to querry me on any of these technology - integration projects.

Poonam Kurani
What good ideas, my students have done bridges several times over the years. We've used a simulation called Toothpick Bridges and the kids always love it. Even 20 years ago I had a copy of The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse on 8mm, now I'm sure it's on YouTube. It is.
Thank you for the book recommendation Nancy. We will definitely look into getting that. We do have the video on the Tacoma. I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of it. We are using it as an 'opener' to the lesson.
I bet you could have a contemporary connection with the collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis last year, I've seen video.
This is a great start Poonam. Thank you. The project is for 6th grade & we just started planning so anything you have to share that would fit would be greatly appreciated.



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