Looking for Teachers who use 2.0 tools with kids on IEPs

I'm interested in highlighting great teachers who successfully and seamlessly integrate 2.0 tools into their classrooms for differentiated instruction to meet the needs of their students on IEPs.
I know about the wonderful work of Lisa Parisi and Christine Southard which they wrote about in this blog post - The Successful Inclusion program.

Are there others?

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I teach gifted kids who have IEPs. I've included several tools when writing their goals--especially blogging.
I was thinking of you as another example. I would like to highlight the work of teachers who use 2.0 to differentiate or who use UDL principles to meet the needs of all learners, including struggling learners.
Do you have a blog post(s) or URL that describes what you are doing and how your students are achieving success? I want to point others to your work in a blog post.
Here is our student blog, A Really Different Place.
I'm not sure if this relates but I had my regular and inclusion students create claymation videos to review biology concepts last year. They loved it.
You can see some of the videos on my website:
Just remembered a great experience I had with an Asperger's, OCD, anxiety kiddo using podcasts. He made an amazing transformation from a quiet, inaudible whisper to a loud articulate voice. It was amazing. Here is the project we did podcasts on Titanic in the Classroom (check Biographical Sketches. N.
I wonder what the literature says about IEPs using paper vs. technology. Personally, often I like doing my free writing work on paper before I use technology, despite the fact that I'm a digital native and have been using computers for the last 25+ years.

I imagine other folks (aka some select students) might enjoy doing the same (even though it does duplicate a little of the work & is harder to manage--ie everything I write doesn't end up typed in despite my best intentions).



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