I've been asked to assist in a presentation entitled "Beyond Chatter: Improving Intellectual quality with web 2.0 (wikis, blogs, etc)". It is aimed at learning support teachers who deal with reluctant learned (including G&T students). I'd like to show some good practical examples of how this technology is being used in schools to engage learners.

Can anyone point me in tthe right direction?


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We've done projects with tools including blogs, wikis, Moodle, webpages, timeliners, photo manipulation, etc. You can see the projects here, let me know if you need more specific info. N.
Thanks for the links Nancy. These will be useful for me in to use in other areas, but I was actually looking for more student created blogs eg two that I have done with Year 4 are :

Mission Milky Way : http://unosis.blogspot.com/ - where students went in character as travelling space tourists and wrote postcards home about what they have seen in our solar system. Parents (also in character) wrote replies asking questions and stimulated further learning.

Diary of Anne Fairweather : http://afairweather.blogspot.com/ - here we invented a convict and wrote a sequential diary of her life.

I've covered the character blogs but need other examples of student input to a blog?

Any examples of that? Anything on a wiki would also be good.

Here are several more examples you can add to your list. This blog is written by Harriett Tubman. We didn't do it but thought it was neat. We did podcasts as passengers and crew of the Titanic, you can see them here.

We used Moddle for online book discussions and a philsopher's club.
Thanks Nancy, those links will be most useful.
Here is a wiki for a workshop on Web 2.0 tools that includes classroom examples of various tools.

I think that one of the best ways to get reluctant learners (including teachers) involved in Web 2.0 is to have them set up a personalized home page (such as iGoogle) with an RSS aggregator (such as Google Reader). When I show people my iGoogle page and how I use it as a personal learning tool, people want to jump right in and build one for themselves.
Thanks Karen that's a really interesting idea.



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