I'm thinking about creating a Web 2.0 Apps class as a semester long elective for high school students. I'm wondering if anyone is already doing this and would be willing to share materials/ideas.

I'm also interested in getting ideas for how to structure the class (it runs about 17 weeks). I'm thinking of starting with blogging and having students blog their reflections about each tool they learn. I'm also thinking about having them create screencasts to teach others how to use each tool. I'm a little stuck on a final assessment. One idea would be to have them invent their own ideal Web 2.0 app (as a concept - not the programming part).

Please share your materials, experiences and ideas. Even if you have never done it.

Tags: assessment, curriculum, lessonplans, web2.0

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Don't get me started on the country reports and the powerpoints on whales. I heard a presenter at NECC several years ago say "If you want to stop plagiarism in the classroom give them assignments they can't plagiarize." Duh, N.
Nancy thanks for sharing Dan Meyer's post. I completely hear what you are saying. What big questions would you suggest that my students research?
Check out the work on H. Lynn Erikson Concept Based Curriculum, Wiggins and Tighe Understanding by Design and Jamie McKenzie. Here are some essential guestions that stimulate the kind of learning and enduring understanding you would hope to have in the classroom.

Essential questions: (some from Erikson, some from Wiggins)
Is there enough to go around?
Are mathematical ideas inventions or discoveries?
Does art reflect culture or shape it?
Who owns what and why?
What do we fear?
In what ways do species evolve adaptations to survive changing environments?
Can you predict the future? What will happen next? How sure are you?
If "practice makes perfect" what makes perfect practice?
How can stories from other places and times be about me?
What is true friendship and how do you know?

I've got a great book of What if questions---not essential but great for thinking--let me know if you want the author, I'll send it tomorrow.
What if the South had won the Civil War?
What if Walt Disney had never been born?

Let me know if you need anything else. N.

Hi Elizabeth!!!  I am teaching this class this year as an elective for 11th and 12th graders.  It would be great if we could create blogs for our classes on Web 2.0 tools and teach them how to follow each other and use RSS Feeds.  I would be very interested in your ideas.....I am using the Shelley Cashmann Book "Web 2.0"  to supplement my curriculum.  I am hoping to have the students find technology professionals to Skype with pertaining to careers working with Web 2.0 companies etc...  I am looking forward to discussing this further with you...




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