Anyone using Web2.0 to learn about, create music? Any music education teachers out there with blogs or sites that we should know about?

Tags: education, learning, music, music2.0, teaching, web2.0

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Dr Joe Pisano is very active in connecting music teachers using technology - he's has a campaign to find 100 bloggers in music education and facilitate a network! Please let him know if you would be a part of his community!
Yes! We just launched and it is the first social student-2-student learning network with rich media and an extremely easy to use interface. It also has a full featured Facebook widget for your students to access direct class and tagged video feeds. For music this is a great option as it allows for audio and video learning. You can contact me direclty at Thanks!
Here's a cool tool from noteflight - a web based music notation app. No more screen shots of music examples - use this and the notation plays!
I've got a blog about music and education: I am a 2-5 general music teacher as well as a 9-12 Vocal Music teacher. I also have my school sites that can be seen here: Elementary or High School.
Hi My name is Andrew as well. I am a music teacher at North Fitzroy Primary School Melbourne Australia. We are luck to have two music teachers and Kynan Robinson and I are both the Information, Computers and Technology co-ordinators. We are about to embark on a web2.0 journey through blogging starting in the new academic year 2009. Check out my blog at I have started to use web2.0 in the music room with Skype (Skype concerts) and would love to collaborate with other music classrooms in the near future. I am looking forward to using the globalstudent blogging tool next year hopefully where students can discuss and upload their compositions to share and even share ideas. Check out our music page on our school web page too. It sort of gives and idea of where we are at.
This is a great resource for web 2.0/music
Please join the "Global Lean"

blog at

Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!

Thanks! Peggy Sheehy
I am! I have a blog called "Piano Musings" I post to regularly. Find it at
I don't know if you are still around - or if this post is still active - but I have a blog based around music education that has scores of videos, links, IWB demonstrations, teacher resources and ideas.


And let me know what you like or can add to please :)
Great stuff. I subscribed to your blog and got the word out.
Thanks and cheers!
Yes! Just learned this year how to use the polycom videoconferencing unit in the building to do some work with my high school students partnered with preservice music education majors at the Crane School of Music this year... very exciting stuff! Definitely a steep learning curve, but this has generated a lot more interest on my part to make a very big push this year to make my teaching environment into a 21st Century classroom.

I just finished an intense week in a Project Based Learning class as part of my graduate studies, and have used that opportunity to spend time getting more technologically aquainted. I've become a brand new blogger (feel free to comment and follow: ) and created my first wiki page , where I have started outlining big changes in creating a co-curricular, project based guitar class for the upcoming year.

I love that I see so many music teachers here and look forward to getting to know you all better and share the journey!

Welcome and thanks for the reply. I'm going to spend some time at your blog and wiki today. You may be interested in one of my Blogs: where I touch on similar ideas that you have- namely, "the fact that today’s students regularly find, make, listen to, share, and create music completely independent of formal instruction...".

Exactly! Keep the posts coming!


PS: I focus in on 21st Century, EdTech and 21st C. Learning thoughts/ideas at my other blog, Educational Paradigms



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