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Hello to everyone. Brian Kingbird here from Fort Mill, SC. I am currently working on a Master's in Education at Winthrop and look forward to learning new stuff from current History teachers in the field.
There are some amazing History related Web 2.0 tools, I've written about some of them on my blog A Very Old Place. Let me know if you want to hear about some of the other things I've read about. N
Now that I've had the chance to look at the blog link, there are some really cool ideas that will work. Thanks! Have you heard of the National History Education Clearinghouse? . I've come across this site via a mailing that I got earlier this year. Now that I'm curious, what are some of the other things that you've read about?
Here are several more examples you can add to your list. This blog is written by Harriett Tubman and I've seen one written by someone who lived through the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. We didn't do these blogs but thought they were neat. Students wrote blogs as space tourists. Here's Diary of Anne Fairweather, a fictitious convict. Here is a ning done by people who were involved in the Civil Right Movement and people who were at the Continental Congress., We did podcasts as passengers and crew of the Titanic, you can see them here. These projects, IMHO, raise the bar for critical thinking, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation.
Nice to see someone from my neck of the woods! I'm in Camden @ Camden High! Welcome!
Greetings from Kenosha, WI USA. I'm Joan Roehre, I support videoconferencing and emerging technologies in my district and ALWAYS looking for collaborative partners for K-12 classroom projects. Looking forward to networking and learning with all of you!
Good morning, all. Mary. Into Web 2.0 technology and its many uses in the f-2-f classroom, but especially on the Web. I particularly like the wiki for composition in higher ed.
My name is MaryLou & since I was turned-on to this incredible world of Online Personal Learning Networks three days ago I have Twitter'ed, Flickr'ed, Wordle'd, loaded Google Reader & subscribed to entirely too many feeds, created a library so I can tag everything that doesn't have an RSS, and I'm determined to have my Pageflakes established before the stroke of midnight! I'm a "seasoned" educator ( >10 yrs but <20 in secondary science) who is passionate about science & technology and I love to learn...I feel like I am finally home.
Welcome aboard--I'm surprised your head hasn't exploded with all the new stuff! Hope you can find a way to use these tools in your classroom.
Hi everyone: I'm happy to be here.
I do public relations work (newsletter, calendars, press) for nine school districts in Westchester County, NY, and have become a sort-of-expert for a number of people and organizations here on using Web 2.0. Other school PR folks have taken my workshops, and I have a blog, School Communications 2.0, about how to communicate via Web 2.0. I hope to simply network here and occasionally mine this Ning site for great post ideas. I recently mentioned this site in a blog entry, Nings for Educators. Looking forward to using your expertise and experience to learn more!
Wow. Weird that I haven't signed on here. I almost wonder how that happened. I know I haven't contributed much directly, but wow... I think my brain slipped if I haven't joined b4 today.

The "ABOUT" page on my blog is probably a better introduction than what I would type here.

I manage three main learning networks with Ning:

Virtual Southside (staff development network)

Principles of Biology (dual-credit biology)

SaintJoe H2O (marine biology program in missouri)

I'm Bonnie Brown, 1st through 5th grade general music teacher in Villa Park, IL, a western suburb of Chicago. I'm just getting started with much of the Web 2.0 technology. I have a lot to learn!



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