I have a teacher friend trying to come up with a plan for using cell phone in a high school classroom. He has 12 students and a superintendent on board to allow him to try it, so now we are looking for ideas and ways to use them, All suggests and ideas are welcome.

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Hi dear Cyndi, I´ve found a video from Austria how to use cells in physics.
do you have a link to that video?
Sorry Cyndi - my fingers ....
Take care:)
Question for you, are they all using the same type of phone?

I am working with a group that is trying to make "cell phone books".

We have great bookmaking software, RealeWriter, and they are coming up with an export to video function.
Basically, students will be able to author their own books and translate them into video format. You can then compress video and download it to a cell phone.

The main issue, I see, is that different phones use different types of video (different compression codecs), so using the same type of cell phone helps alleviate this problem.

A project like this may be of interest to your friend.
You should absolutely look at Liz Kolb's presentation called "Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools" (k12onlineconference.org/?p=152) from the K12 online conference 2008. And then look at her website (cellphonesinlearning.com). Be sure to scroll ALL THE WAY down to the cell phone tools. I wasn't even that interested in cell phones in learning, but then I found this stuff and I am really interested in trying it. Unfortunately, I don't work in a school ready to embrace cell phones. But, I wish all the best to you and I hope you keep posting when your friend actually does this.
ive used them to mobile blog students thoughts and answers to questions. The students simply dial a number leave a message and an mp3 of the recording is posted into a blog that you specify. I did it during an outdoor ed excursion and it worked awesome,

here is the blog the recordings were posted 2

They used http://www.utterli.com to record their responses and the then set up cross posting to the blogs, ive include a video below of how set that up

Ive also detailed alot about using mobile phones (cell phones) in my classes on my personal blog @ http://mrrobbo.wordpress.com

Other things ive completed include
- Using SMS (text messages) from a PC to send homework reminders, grades, quizzes and worksheets in and out of normal class hours (kids get a buzz when there work is sent to them via this method)

- Using www.qik.com to setup live video streaming to the world, i used it to teach a session 300km when i was at the beach and found some excellent things that would be great for discusson in my classroom. The students were sitting in class at the time and watched a live feed, they loved it

- Using www.mobilestudy.com to create multiple choice quizzes that auto send results to the creator via SMS when completed

- Have used them so students can respond to polls and multiple choice answers on http://www.polleverywhere.com or www.texthemob.com

- Created flash cards for mobile phones using www.studycell.com

Just a few ideas, let me know if you need anymore
I've "mobcasted" in class with students and at workshops with teachers. I have a description of my "cell phone unit wrap up" activity, complete with an audio excerpt, at my EdTechTeacher web site:
Hi Cyndi. I think i might be able to help you decide on how to use your cell phones in class. I am in High School. I thought you might want some input from some of today's youth.

My first idea would be to use the cell phones as a way to take quizes. If you were to set up an email of anykind you could have the answers streamed to the inbox of that account.

I think it is an amazing idea to add cell phones in the classroom. I have never heard of it before i searched this website. I hope that you could find an effictive way to use them. Good luck.
Good ideas, thanks for the input.
Also from Australia...

PHONE A FRIEND in exams.




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