Hey everyone.

I'm a fairly new podcaster, but I've been listening for a long time. I have been overwhelmingly frustrated in my journey to find really good podcasts that I can use in my classroom practice.

I'm working on building a Station on Podango where teachers can find a lineup of really good podcasts that focus on education, educational practices, and instructional technology.

If you've got a show that has great content and that really focuses on providing resources teachers can use, I'd love to talk to you about joining my station. Hey, if you get enough listeners to your show, you can even get paid. : )

So contact me if you are interested. If you'd like to hear my show to see what I'm all about, check it out: Getting Tech Into Ed .

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Hi Brian,

If you're interested in podcasting power points, take a look at authorstream's web based power point presentation platform.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by rezecca
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Hairyolai
try http://edtechtalk.com

Ed Tech Talk Weekly on Sunday at 7p ET shares links from teachers.
Projects, policy and other matters are discussed in shows like:

It's Elementary: about tech in elementary
Teachers are talking: a variety of education topics
Teachers Teaching Teachers: following projects from a group of National Writing Project teachers
and many more.
Brian, have you heard of http://epnweb.org/ ?
Yes, I just learned about it from someone replying to this post. Certainly a valuable resource. Thanks for the suggestion. Do you have any favorites on that site? The hardest part is wading through the weaker shows.



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