One again I am struggling with helping my 3rd graders learn their multiplication facts. Anyone have any helpful hints?

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Not sure what you mean by 'facts', but I have always favoured the rote daily memorization of the times table that used to be done back in the day. In my opinion, this worked very effectively, but unfortunately isn't done much anymore.
I have tried in the past with some success.
Daily fact timed tests.
Teaching the facts in groups like the 7s then the 5s and so on.
Making a chart for the students to check off when they learned how to multiply by a certain number.
Multiplication flash cards for each student they make themselves and test each other each day.
Getting the parents involved by testing the students at home.
Multiplication Bingo.
Games with the facts.
Counting by the facts. Like by 3s, 4s, or 8s.
I think the important part is doing it everyday and having it be a priority in the classroom. Let the kids know they have a goal by the end of the year or quarter.

These links might help.
I tell parents who ask to pay them--$10.00 bucks to learn them in a week.
Shaun, Good, but be sure the parents are desparate--otherwise you'll pay!! Haha!
Hi, I think it is a good idea to play with multiplication facts !

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