On my blog, I’m compiling a list of The Best Education-Related Books That Have Been Read In 2008. If you'd like to share your picks, you can share it on this forum. It seems to me that many might find this useful. If you share it here, I'll assume you wouldn't mind my adding it to my blog post, either. Let me know how you'd like me to describe you, and if you'd like me to link it back to your blog or website.
Of course, if you don't want me to include it in my post, just let me know and I'll certainly respect your wishes.
In my thinking about this list, the books could have been published earlier. The only requirement would be that you’ve read them sometime this year. They might not be obviously connected to education — just briefly explain how it is connected in your mind.
If you'd like to contribute (and wouldn't mind me giving you "credit" on my blog post), it would be great if you could leave the title of the book; author’s name; why you like the book (or books) so much — please keep the explanation to no more than two or three sentences.
Larry Ferlazzo