I've just finished putting up the new "beta" site for the Classroom 2.0 local workshops. It's at http://workshops.classroom20.com/. I'm interested in getting feedback. You'll might also have noticed I'm using the event module in Classroom 2.0 now to list the upcoming workshops. There's a link in the left column of the front page.

Here is how I'm thinking we'll start scheduling these if you're interested in holding one in your area:

1. Indicate your interest on the wiki at http://wiki.classroom20.com/LIVE+Locations/.

2. Send me some preferred dates for holding the workshop. Friday-Saturday two-day workshops seem to work best, but you may have other consideration so that is not hard or fast. It would be best to schedule these 4 - 6 months in advance, but since we're just really getting this going now, feel free to contact me about an earlier date.

3. We'll tentatively calendar the workshop, get it listed here and up on the new site.

4. We'll set up the draft agenda, and then wait to see how many sign up (which is now done on the this site as part of the event listing). In order to make these workshops worth everyone's time, I'm inclined to require that you must expect you can get at least 50 people in attendance. If we're two months out an it doesn't look like the date is good or that people are signing up, we'll consider canceling or rescheduling.

4. Three weeks before the event we'll semi-finalize the agenda.

How does this sound?

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Excellent plan Steve.

As we all know, plan early, plan often....one can never over plan an event.
Our proposed date is late January, in summer(!) - we are in the southern hemisphere after all
nominally 'holidays' or summer break a few days prior to commencement of the school year in all schools.
we have three school systems, Government, Independent( private fee paying) and Catholic Education Office ( CEO), by choosing summer break all have the option to attend from near or far.

our bloggers' feast group today( about 15 or so) had several fly in from interstate for the get together in Melbourne(australia) - you may know a few john pearce, jenny luca, sue tapp..others were online via twitter and ustreamTV
Ooh, love the "bloggers' feast" idea. Very cool. Keep me posted!
Steve, I got an email from you but am not clear about what the expectations would be if my institution agreed to host a two day event. Your web site states food. Are you asking us to pay for food and other essentials?
No, normally we let people handle food on their own during breaks. Sometimes a local sponsor will want to provide food, and if that's the case we just work it out.

Because there is no charge for the workshops, we have to find venues that don't have an expense for using them. The facility needs to have good wireless Internet, enough electrical connections, movable seating, and room(s) big enough for the group. It really helps to have projectors available so we don't have to try and arrange someone to bring them.

Let me know if you need any more detail!
Oh your wiki is just what I'm looking for thank you everyone thank you Ning thank you Steve. And I'm seeking to join a workshop I'm in Hobart but I believe there's a Melbourne one in Jan I'm fishing for times and places?
Cheers Ruth
I'm waiting to hear back from Gary above. :) Not sure of the status, but would love to do it. Gotta find a major sponsor just for the airfare!

The way these workshops "work" is really dependent on a local organizer who wants to help pull them off. They are a great experience. If you have an audience and a venue, I can help you do it. :)
There waas a link in there for Melbourne w'shop that I couldnt connect with?
Hi Ruth,
I'm from Sydney, would you let me know when there's one here, if you find out? I'd love to attend one.
How'd you like to help organize one? :)
I'm not the best person, but I'm sure many would be really interested and it would be a great success!!!
major changes to PD arrangements in Victoria on the start-up days for 2009 school term

the considered wisdom is to go for a later date in semester one 2009..

i have a particular venue in northern suburbs melbourne in mind, (wireless capacity for 200+ simultaneous logins! -for those interested using the new cirrus base stations..) so depends on the date/availability of venue

suggestions? late friday into saturday?

many keen potential participants...just they are 'required' to be in their base schools on the three PD days..



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