This next semester, I have the opportunity to have a 1 to 1 laptop classroom. It is only for 1 class period, as I am trying to encourage the purchase of more laptops to our school by showing their benefit.
I am looking for online programs & downloadable programs that would be advantageous in a classroom with all students on laptops at all times. One of my goals is to eliminate as much paper usage in the classroom as possible.
Some programs that I am already aware of to implement:
1. Voicethread for uploading my PowerPoints & other video needs (along with Google video)
2. Angel- an online classroom site with the ability to upload most things, discussion, assessment, etc.
3. Adobe Acrobat Pro- to have interactive worksheets for students to fill out and send to me electronically
4. And I know of a variety of other sites mentioned in other posts that can be used for specific assignments such as Wordle
I am appreciative of any help that can be offered. The possibilities are really exciting to me!
Tags: 1 to 1, software
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