When you say "differentiation of reading instructing", what exactly do you mean? I use web 2.0 tools to help provide reinforcement and extension of what we may doing in class. For example, a video embedded into a blog post on white-water rafting that ties into a Jamestown story we are working on. After watching the video, reading the story, and discussion I have the students submit comments that reflect their understanding and personal views of the story and how it applies to their own life. I have also begun to use story starters with the class wiki... students then each add one sentence to it. This allows students to creatively add their own thoughts and encourages them to read what others have added already. In both cases I evaluate students based on their own individual skill level.
I did a little project/presentation last year that you could check out. It might be a little more work than you want to do, but even using some of the steps might help.
Thanks Dan for posting the link. One of the things that I did not understand as I started integrating technology is that you have to require it, you have to hold them accountable.
Although not exactly on topic here, Bill Ferriter has been discussing the ideas presented in Kelly Gallagher's new book, Readicide. If you go to his blog you can download the book and join the conversation via voicethread. http://teacherleaders.typepad.com/the_tempered_radical/2009/01/inde...