Hi Again! I would like to know what 5 websites or interent tools you consider your favourite and why. I aim to include some reference to those chosen by most of you both in the new group I am trying to make grow and in my wiki. You are all welcome to visit them and participate as well.



Thank you

Tags: classroom, computers, internet, teaching

Views: 438

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I have downloaded the toolbar Ellen! thank you!
I am a member of eflclassroom too! thank you Ddeubel
I hope you join www.teach-with-internet.ning.com

I just joined your network. Very well designed! I'll add my two cents worth this coming week. Maybe you can help me in setting up some kind of elearning scheduling system or promotion for teachers to teach online. I have lots of free rooms for this but need to set some kind of scheduling environment and promotion up.

I used to, until recently, greet everyone personally on EFL Classroom 2.0 but this month I've fallen behind, just impossible at the moment. But I've put your ning up in our member's directory - we have so many amazing blogs/pages there!


I love EFL classroom 2.0 David! I think I have a lot to learn from you! Tell me more about your teaching online stuff at my ning please. thank you!
If you are into digital storytelling you should consider checking out Mixbook.com

From what teachers have told me they say the kids love using it and is free to use. Plus no download like a lot of the other web 2.0 tools out there.
A very good one! I have subscribed! thank you!
for my own creation I like animto.com

starfall for little kids is good.
I also love animoto.com . Thanks for telling us about startfall, very interesting activities for young children!
Can't live withouts...
1) Wikispaces
2) Google Docs
3) Skype
5) UStream

For ELLs, ESL and Foreign Language read my 5 Translation Tools That Serve as Fantastic Resources for Students ...

For student engagement read my 5 Easy Ways for Innovative Educators to Engage Students Until The E...
Sites I love for classroom are:
Gcast (for hositing podcasts)
Gabcast (for uploading podcasts on blogs)
Quia (for creating line quizzes and activities)
ToonDoon (Creating Cartoons)
Sove Very good ones and some I did not know about, which is great! I will have a look at your suggested sites! thanks for sharing!



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