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Hello! My name is Diana and I am a curriculum coach for math and technology in a rural middle school of 650 students near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We are planning to turn our school into a 21st Century learning center and are looking for ideas to integrate math/science/technology and language arts/social studies/technology. We have computers, carts of laptops, smartboards, Interwrite pads, student response systems, and graphing calculators (TI Navigators). Currently our computers are used mostly for instructional software programs in math and reading. We would appreciate any suggestions that would help us (the adults) catch up with the students in using technology to learn, create and communicate. I look forward to participating in Classroom 2.0!
Hi Everyone,

I represent a group of 4 Stanford undergraduate students passionate about technology and education, and we are here looking to talk to all of you about how we can create technology to help teachers teach this generation of students.

Please talk to us!

Ricky, David, Richard, and Michael
Hi everyone.
I just found this site and thought I would get involved. After teaching for 18 years, I'm completing my k-12 principal certification.
Welcome to classroom2.0 I am sure you will find a lot to keep you informed here. Is there a reason why you set your page to private as the biggest benefits of social networking come when you are quite transparent. I have been a member here for 18 months and have never had any issues at all. Take a good look around the discussions and forums and make friends and the benefits of personal learning networks will be yours as well.
Hi all, I am Blenna Patterson from Radford, Virginia. I am a first grade teacher and love technology. I have two teenagers (boy and girl). I am interested in keeping up with new trends and things with technology and education. One to add them to my own classroom and two, to keep up with what my teenagers are in to.
I just joined Classroom 2.0 and am looking for middle and high school science and health teachers who will are willing to take a few minutes and help us out with a survey on science, kids and alcohol. The survey is for the Science Inside Alcohol Project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The URL for the survey is

If you're interested in science and alcohol I am also writing a book for parents and would like educators to join our Facebook page which can be found at Please consider joining I try to post new information at least once a week.

Thanks so much for your help.

Hi. Rob Kovacs from Wyoming City Schools in Cincinnati, OH. I have served as the tech director for Wyoming City Schools over the last 2 1/2 years and previously taught middle school social studies for 14 years for Baltimore County Public Schools in Maryland. I look forward to being part of Classroom 2.0!
I am a Technology Teacher from La Junta Middle School and heard about classroom 2.0 from a Technology class I am currently taking. Thought it would be great to check it out and see what exciting information I could get to help my students. I am wanting to start a blog for my classroom students which is about 100 students, 6th-8th grade.
Hello everyone!
I'm new to the forum. I found out about classroom20 through an online technology class. This site was mentioned by a fellow teacher during one of our discussions. I also teach Spanish (like Susan, below) and hope to meet lots of people who have new ideas for integrating technology into the classroom. Some technologies that have been particularly useful to me when teaching language include: VoiceThread, PBwiki, Edublog, Wordle and Glogster. Glad to be here!
Hi guys, I'm Danielle. I work for It's a free customizable bookmark site that makes a great homepage for any class. We give you an unique URL where you can upload bookmarks that are of interest to the class you are teaching. It's a great resource to have all the relevant websites on one page. We are also advertising free, no banners, no pop-ups. comes with some preloaded bookmarks. But after you create your page, you can add or delete bookmarks and also rearrange the catagories and marks in any order you want!
Let me know what you think =)
Hi! Jordan O'Malley, Chattanooga, TN. I'm looking into alternative licensure in TN or GA. I work in Marketing, and completed my MBA in 2007. I'm excited about bringing technology into the classroom as well as my natural living interests (composting, recycling, whole foods, etc.)
Hello All,
Ronda McWhortor here from sunny Phoenix, Arizona. I teach IB/AP Literature at the high school level and have a passion for Shakespeare and British Lit. I am trying to get a handle on all the web technology available and look forward to sharing with you.



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