I am looking for Video Conferencing or Skype opportunities for my class. I would like to use this form of technology as a way of improving Oral Language. Check out my blog for more information on my motivation
I am open to any opportunity, other classes, experts, institutions etc.
Other than that request, how does everyone else feel about VC and Skype in education? Isn't the purpose of language to communicate? Therefore, should we not be providing our students every possible opportunity to communicate with a world outside their own? I see Web 2.0 as a means of making connections and communicating our ideas. Are we allowing our students to do the same with an authentic audience? Love to here from you all!

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I know what you mean by the students not understanding the books you read as a child. I have come to the conclusion that for many of my students, the language spoken in the classroom is like a second language that they have had to learn to survive school but not one in which they are fluent. I actually have to slow down when I speak to them and repeat things until it sinks in for them. I started insisting this year that they need to speak in complete sentences. They tend to talk in short bits that are very hard for me to interpret!

We did our first Skype call this year and it seemed very awkward until one of my students asked if they could be the leader of the conversation. Once I handed the project over to a student, they ran with it! Everyone was more responsive when they were answering the questions of their peer and the teacher took the back seat. My students are 13 year olds, however, but I imagine that if you have any leaders in your class it would be worth a try!

We also do a more official video conference with the Philadelphia Museum of Art where an educator runs the lesson and is very good about drawing the kids into the conversation.

I think we all have a learning curve but you wouldn't have started exploring these great questions about language had you not taken the risks you did with the Skype call. Keep up the innovative work!
Thank you for your thoughts. I do have one or two little friends who would love to take the reins, so I might just let them. I will also check out Philadelphia Museum of Art. Thanks again :-)



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