I am just hearing about Document Cameras for classroom use. Has anyone used this method and how did it work out! Any information would be greatly appreciated since this is all new to me. Thanks!

Tags: Cameras, Document

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I used one in a few ways this year...

1) I used it to show the Bone graphic novels on the big screen. I didn't have enough copies for everyone in the class, so showing the books on the camera was a decent application.

2) I used it when we were peer-editing writing assignments. The student passed it in, and I made the editing marks, all within the same class, rather than photocopying it onto transparency.

3) I used it in Math class for manipulatives - adding circle fractions and colour chips. Yes, I could have used the overhead projector set for the big screen, but setting up the document camera was more feasible than using the overhead.

I could probably think of more, but Bone, modeling of peer-editing, and math manips come immediately to mind.
Thanks so much. I can now see the potential possibilites for using this tool.
This is really impressive, a lot of great suggestions! Thanks!
greetings: I gave a workshop on document cameras and posted suggestions. You can find it halfway down the page at http://ppsblogs.net/brianmckee/workshops/
Hi, and wow.. I went to your blog.. and you are going to keep me busy. :-)) Sorry about the late response, I am still trying to get into a routine of daily checking my discussions... but right now its other duties as assigned that are taking up my time. But heh, thanks for your help!
My teachers are using them all the time. There are some great ideas listed below for having students use them to demostrate peer editing. I have also had teachers use them to show pages from the book, etc. Basically they than take the place of overheads and transparencies. They can also be used to tracings that need to be blown up. They can be used as a simple digital camera as well to take pictures of student work or of students and save them to your computer.
Thanks for your reponse. Peer coaching is a great idea! I will have to zoom in on this one and see how I can make it for me and discuss these ideas at my next pd workshop.
Have a nice day!
We have a bunch of Document Cameras in our district. When teachers use them they LOVE them! It seems like Math has used them the most.

Some (but not all) ways they are used

-Sharing student work
-Math equations
-Science dissections
-Doing processes and recording them with video capture (if your Doc Cam allows) -> using that video on Moodle or for subs, or to simply use over and over
Thanks Melissa,
I will definitely use your suggestions for my work with the Social Studies teachers,, but will also pass on those that are geared towards Math. I like how Classroom 2.0 will allow me to find the help I need and by bringing educators together in a collaborative forum. A big Canadian, Way to Go! eh! :-))
If we want to teach our students to collaborate and work in teams, we as staff need to collaborate as well. Classroom 2.0 is a great place to do just that!
Hi Melissa
Just getting checking back to see how your are progressing. Have you started any new projects with your students and how is the team collaboration activities coming with your staff.



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