Leveraging YouTube for Science, Social Studies and other subjects

Here's a great article that lists some fantastic links to YouTube videos that can be used by teachers and parents to help make history and social studies learning more engaging and authentic. It would be great to collaboratively compile a list of great videos for various subjects (History/Social Studies as well - in addition to the ones listed in the article) that are freely available thanks to YouTube (unless, of course, there already is such a list floating around somewhere that I'm not aware of :)).

Tags: collaboration, history, science, social, studies, video, youtube

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I used YouTube videos a lot for my teaching of General Science, the student response was excellent plus we avoided paying ~$80 for a 10 min science video from a supply store.
I really like your idea. There are so many resource on the internet for teachers and students. The problem is corralling them all together so they can be used. YouTube is great but I know PBS and the History Channel has a lot of content too. Do you know any sites for teachers where they can trade lesson plans and other material. I like classroom 2.0 but I really would like to see the work of other teachers and be able to share what I've done in my classroom. Any help would be much appreciated.
I agree that a collaborative list of videos would be a great resource to have as a teacher. I'm sure many teachers would appreciate a resource such as this, because of the amount of time and energy it takes to search for videos of quality on the internet.
I am not sure that creating a collaborative list would be all that helpful. The content changes so rapidly, any list created is outdated the moment it is posted. The search feature is a quicker way to generate a brnd new list.
This could also be accomplished and continuously updated using social bookmarking sites like Diigo or Deliscious :)
Not real impressed with this site for Science, it has a lot for Social Studies though. If you need a science video site, try http://www.sciencehack.com. The site claims to check every video for its authenticity by a real scientist. Hope this helps all you science people.
Thanks for all of the great ideas, everyone. As a student who will receive a teaching degree in December 2010, all of the discussions on this site are really informative. It is great to have an idea about what is available and how it can be used in the classroom.
I also use YouTube a lot but it was blocked at our school. So, I use a YouTube downloader so I can download the video and then I burn it to a CD or DVD. Our school doesn't have many projectors but we have a lot of TV's so I have the students watch the video on the TV.
I have absolutely no idea what science teachers did before YouTube! I use it on a regular basis. Whenever I teach a new concept I try to hit it through multiple modalities. I lecture (auditory) show a YouTube video (Visual) and do a hands-on lab (Kinesthetic). YouTube has proved to be a treasure trove of animations related to some fairly complex biological processes.

It is possible to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint but it's a fairly technical process and I have found it to be rather unreliable. I much prefer using Google Docs.

Whenever I find a useful video I favorite it and add it to a playlist. I have a separate play list for each of the units that I teach. When I get to that unit I review what I have available and pick which videos I want to show.

Another cool thing that you can do with YouTube videos is embed them in Google Docs presentations. I create my presentations in PowerPoint, upload them to Google Docs, and then embed the video at the end to illustrate what the lecture notes have been explaining. I use a reverse instructional model in my Anatomy & Physiology class and this seems to work very well. Here's an example of one of my lectures with an embedded video.
Been reading this thread quite a few times with interest. One key factor in making the plethora of educational content out on the web more relevant and impactful is cataloging, mapping and reducing to a relevant subset.

We at attano are currently doing beta of a concept which is aimed at providing students and teachers with access to relevant educational video content mapped to curriculum.

The video's are curated by teachers using an internet platform (right now it is a closed crowdsourcing model) and are made available to students, teachers and parents through our site at attanolearn.com .

Would appreciate your feedback on the teacher section and any inputs on features which would be useful in real world classrooms would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the idea John. I have always used PowerPoint and have sometimes found the videos to not work. I have only just begun to play with the idea of uploading my presentations into Google docs.
Suchi -
I agree. I regularly use video clips from YouTube of Google video in my Earth Science classes. It usually involves a lot of time on my part previewing the video and ensuring it meets the objective I have for my students. I have found, through trail and error, the best way was to create my own files of what I found helpful. It would certainly cut down on a tremendous amount of research time if there was a site containing the 'best-of-the-best".



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