Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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G'day gang :-)
My name is James Picton (aka 'Jimbo'), I'm an Australian pre-service primary / elementary teacher and I'm a bit of a nerd (or so I'm regularly told). I'm interested in ICT, multimedia, traditional & digital art and its application within a 21st century learning context. By the way, ICT is Aussie-talk for 'Information and Communication Technologies' (basically that's just a fancy term for technology and learning networks).

I have a Bachelor of Multimedia and worked within an instructional design / multimedia environment for a number of years before moving across into teaching. I'm looking forward to dragging Aussie schools kicking and screaming into the 21st Century with flexible learning, instructional design, Problem Based Learning, animation, web quests and positive learner engagement.

Great site, good to see other forward thinking educators!

Hi all! I'm Annie Gentithes from Chicago, IL. I teach fifth grade in Winnetka, IL and am excited about connecting and sharing!
Hi Annie :-)
I'm Jimbo (James Picton) from Australia. I'm a pre-service primary / elementary teacher and am looking forward to doing likewise.

Welcome Annie.
Hi all. I'm Mark Clive, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas, Arlington, where I teach 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, and digital design. I'm always looking for ways to use technology to enhance learning. I look forward to being in this group.
Hi Mark. At you can view a flash presentation created for me by an intern from Hong Kong Baptist University who worked in my Chicago office this summer.

I think this illustrates a way students might use technology to help social benefit organizations. Hope to meet you in some of these forums.
Hi, my name is Katie and I am a new connect/technology teacher at the middle school level in the United States. I am obviously new to Classroom 2.0 and trying to figure everything out in order to get some cool projects ready to go for when school starts back up. I am anxious to learn my way around Classroom 2.0 and collaborate to get some great ideas!
Hello all. . .

I am new to this forum, and it will take some time for me to get everything figured out. My name is Marnie and I teach 5th grade math and science in a small suburb of Denver, Colorado, USA. I have been teaching for 21 years (sheesh!! that makes me pretty old, I guess), and while I spend the school year working very hard to make my classroom exciting and engaging for students, I spend the summer just having fun. Since I am still in summer mode right now, my focus is whitewater kayaking and motorcycling. I just got back from my first motorcycle tour and had an absolute blast camping, fishing, and riding some exhilarating mountain passes on my SV650. My focus this upcoming schoolyear will be to find ways to integrate technology into my classroom. . .not ME using it, but finding ways to have my students use technology to enhance their learning of math and science concepts, and to be effective members of today's technological society. In addition, I hope to continue to learn and improve my Spanish so that I can communicate effectively with my Spanish-speaking families. I look forward to hearing what you have all been doing in your classrooms, and hope that you can give me ideas to use in my own classroom.

For those of you on summer breaok. . .enjoy your last few weeks of vacation!


My name is Damon Hedman. I just joined and created a group for High School Math teachers. Come and join to share ideas and resources.

I'm a School Based Technology Specialist from Virginia. Looking forward to participating in this group.
Joel Bezaire from Nashville, TN. I teach Pre Algebra at University School of Nashville.
Hi All

My name is Colin Jones and I am from Brisbane in Australia. I teach Technology and ICT at all levels from pre-school to Year 10. I am also implementing a school wide LMS and assisting with integrating web 2.0 and other technologies in the classrooms.



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