As part of my technology plans for the 2009-2010 s.y., I would like to start BLOGGING for the elementary students. Starting small is always a good idea. Starting perhaps with just one elementary teacher/class would make it simpler.

I would like to get ideas from teachers/tech coord./tech curriculum coord., etc. as to what would be the best way to go. I do have a few questions:

1. Which blogging platform would you recommend? Blogger? WordPress? EduBlogs?

2. Do you provide the students with their own email? Which email service?

3. How do the school administrator's feel about teacher blogging for the class? Need approval for postings from school administrator? Should there be a "disclaimer" on the teacher's blog site? Example "Opinions reflect the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of school."
But what if the school website's is link to the teacher's blog?

These are just random thoughts that I have about blogging for elementary students. As part of my job, I need to conduct workshops about BLOGGING but to make it simpler, I believe I will start with one willing teacher and hoping it will create a ripple effect.

Tags: blog, blogging, elementary

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Jacqui, Please do and let me know how i can help-- my kids have done 'everything' tech related at least once!!
I have each class twice a week for 30-45 minutes each time depending on the grade level.I definitely teach Word, Excel & Powerpoint and Keyboarding - the technology goal at our school is that our graduating 8th graders can test out of the required computer class in high school if they wish. The required class is Office products & keyboarding.
That is my goal, too, at my school. I'm strapped by a limitation of 45 minutes a week, which often goes to completing projects for the classroom teacher. So far, they have been reluctant to embrace wikis, blogs, online stuff. Argh.
Can you use some of the completed projects and expand on them? For example, let's say your students are completing a report of some kind - can they then use Glogster to create a poster for it or xtranormal to create a movie and then you or they could share them on a wiki or blog.

Do any of the teachers have them do powerpoints? If so, share these online with slideshare or authorstream or slideboom on a wiki or blog.

Is there one teacher that you think might be more into tech stuff than others? Work with them to give an alternate book report assignment like having them create a review on a VoiceThread or do a book review podcast or something like that. This way it could be instead of the thing you would normally have them complete and would move into web2.0.
I love the way you think. Yes, they do a PowerPoint, magazines, trifolds. I'd love to expand it. I can't wait to try that!

The one teacher who I was closest to getting into the tech stuff was laid off. 20% of our faculty was let go due to enrollment. I'm going to have to re-evaluate those left, see who might be interested. Very few responded to my overtures last year, but things change so I'm sure someone will step up.
Some ideas of how you can expand what you're already doing with some online tools.

Use to create a magazine cover
Use to publish the magazines

10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports
Hi All,
I'm enjoying this discussion because it is pinpointing exactly my thoughts for the coming year. Since the NECC conference I've been reading as much as possible about blogging and wikis. I'm also still confused about whether to use classblogmeister or edublogs. I like the fact that edublogs lets you easily put in different widgets like Voicethread and Wordle. I created a Isites page with all the resources that I've been exploring. You can check it out at: I'm looking forward to sharing ideas with you, Lauriene, as we both explore the possibilities. Thank you to everyone who's contributed great ideas and tips. I feel more confident about pushing forward.
Thanks for sharing your google site - you've collected a lot of great tools and links. I'm in a similar spot as you, collecting as much info and resources as possible. I'm also trying to decide between classblogmeister and edublogs. Still haven't made up my mind on which one to go with - hopefully my school's tech person can add some insight to help me choose.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanx for responding. It's so nice to share with others in the same situation. My tech director is pushing for Moodle because it's very protected, but I find it very restricting. Please let me know what your tech person says. What grades do you work with? I started using Edublogs with Glogster. I'm adding you as a colleague so we can continue to share ideas.
Hi Faith -
I found out today that our school has Wordpressmu, so I guess that's what I'll probably end up using. They're setting up an account for me to play around in, and then I'll meet with our tech person to figure out some specifics. I'll keep you posted on what happens.

I work with 7th grade science and am hoping to use the blogs as a place for students to collect their work in science, rather than printing it out, handing it in for a grade, and never thinking about it again.

What grade(s) do you work with? I've never heard of Glogster - I'll have to add that to my list of things to check out...
Jennifer, I've seen some wonderful Glogster posters using primary sources, I blogged about it here. But our district has it blocked for students because there are a lot of 'social' glogs with teenage pinups!! (Yuk) They have an education section but haven't used it enough to see if that contains appropriate material.
Thanks, I'll continue to work on this too.



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