Hey all-

I'm looking for more collaborators to help create the first school built through online collaboration. The aim each week is to discuss another aspect of what the ideal 21st century school looks like. After the school takes shape and is approached from all angles, the goal will shift to making this "shovel ready" school a reality- either through federal grant dollars, state grants, private institutions, etc. I truly believe that we have an amazing resource online to collaborate and actually make this happen!

Read more about my thoughts on this at this blog post and join the collaborative effort at this group created on EduPLN.Ning.com

Very much looking forward to making this vision a reality!

Thanks for your time,
Steve Johson

Tags: 21st, century, learning, school, students

Views: 90

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm in. I have been thinking of doing the same - have you seen the ischool initiative by Travis Allen?
You mean Travis Allen, the #1 young Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas?

=) Just kidding. No, I haven't seen the Travis Allen you refer to. Can you shoot up a link to find out more?

I am very interested in this topic. Please count me in:)
Maria Shaheen
I am also interested in this.
Well come on in! I would suggest you sign up to the new edupln.ning.com Ning and get onto the weekly #edchat discussions through Twitter. Both are excellent resources, and I fully intend to do all I personally can to make this vision reality- which means we'll need all the help we can get to shape this school.

Thanks for the responses!



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