Hi everyone, I am taking a course on the Social Foundations of Education. After reading "Shame of the Nation", we are now looking deeper into the problems facing inner city schools and their teachers. I was wondering if there are any educators out there who teach at this type of school who would be so kind as to answer some questions being posed by our class. I think public awareness of how severe these problems are is paramount if those in power (legislators) will ever feel the pressure to do something about it. If anyone would be open to answering some questions, please, either leave your e-mail address here...or email me at olsonpaula44@hotmail.com. (or hey...if you're comfortable with everyone seeing your answers to the questions, by all means, leave them here!) Your words would only be used for my class and nothing else.
I included the questions so that you would all know what I'm looking for and whether or not you'd like to respond. I think the more dialogue we have on this, the better shot we've got at making a difference. Thank you all so much...

1.Teacher background, experience, specific field/grade level and subject.
2. Describe your current classroom. Student #, boy/girl ratio, physical layout, etc.
3. In your opinion, what would be the ideal school administrator (principal)?
4. What is the goal of public education? What is the goal of private education? How do they
differ in reality?
5. How would you use a 600$/year stipend for classroom use?
6. Describe parental involvement in your school.
7. How has education changed since you started teaching?
8. Do you feel all students have an equal education?
9. What is the #1 change you would like to see happen in your school this year?
10. What is the #1 change you would like to see in our NATIONAL education system?
11. Do you think No Child Left Behind helps the goals of inner city schools as it is intended, or does it fall short?
12. What are some of the biggest challenges/road blocks teachers in inner city schools face when trying to get students to reach their potential?
13. Why do you believe our country, which has so many rich resources, has such a problem as "failing" schools (as labled by NCLB)?

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Could you make this a google form and paste the link, I would e happy to share the link with others
Hi Brian! I'll come clean...I actually had to google Google form. So, I set up an account and tried it. I don't know if it worked, but here's the link it gave me:

I might have to try again tomorrow because it kept telling me I couldn't "share" until I verified my account. I did that through my e-mail, but maybe it's just not through yet...floating around in cyberspace...or something. Anyway, hope it works. Thank you so much!
I'll Send you an easy walkthrough if you want, it takes your survey, converts it to a webpage, lets anyone use it, send you the results via an excel sheet
That'd be really great if you could...thanks!



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