Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Guys!!! It's nice to be here with you.I'm a teacher also in a Theological school and i find this site helpful and i think i could learn and grow more as an educator through the info being posted here . The same time I'm a entrepreneur that promote nature awareness and conservation.

Hello! I am a high school teacher in Edmond Public Schools, Edmond, Oklahoma ( a suburb of Oklahoma City). After teaching U.S History and AP U.S. History, Geography, and U.S. Government at one of our three large high schools for five years I volunteered to transfer to our Alternative High School where I teach U.S. History and Oklahoma History. Now, I can't imagine teaching at a standard high school anymore. Small is good! Individualized instruction is good! I enjoy my sometimes troubled; but, always unique, interesting students. Exploring technology for the sake of my students is a passion of mine. Also, developing colleagues beyond just my own school system or even state is a top priority for me in order to grow.
Hi Everyone,

David Marsden here from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I have been an educator for over 40 years - taught all levels - now own my own English language services company and a web site dedicated to Canadian teachers. I am always on the lookout to share valuable teaching strategies and resources.
Hi, my name is Jason and I teach grade 2 in Chilliwack, BC Canada. I am also my school's lead tech teacher. That means I run around trouble shooting for them, reset their passwords, and listen to them complain about how there is nothing for them to do on the lab on our new Linux computers. In addition to that I am one of 4 district Coachs on Demand who can be booked by schools to come in and train their students and staff.
I am currently looking for good sites for my teachers to use in all areAs of the elementary curriculum. I know that's not asking for much.
Hi, I am Kirsten Winkler.

I started as a Language Coach but these days, although I am still teaching online, I turned into an "Education 2.0 Blogger, Interviewer and Edupreneur" :). I am the founder of the E-Teachers Academy and I host the E-Teachers Conference.

Besides all that I love to cook, grow my own veggies in the french country side where I live for about four years now.
Hi Kirsten! I am Barbara in San Antonio, TX. My school district is just beginning to explore online teaching for our high schools. I would love to hear your experiences as an online teacher: what do lesson and assignments look like, what kind of teacher-student interaction is there, etc. looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Barbara,
this is a big topic :) And of course I am more free in my work and decisions as I work independent. If you would like to see some public schools in the US which already successfully implemented online teaching into their curriculum you should visit
Hi Barbara,

I teach online using Moodle and Elluminate. You didn't mention what platform your school was going to use. If either of the ones that I use will be what you are exploring, I can pass along some helpful tips.

Your profile is set to private. You are new; I understand the tendency to be cautious. It is a great group here though. I think you will find that abuses are very rare and when they do occur it is usually spammers that entered the network for that purpose. Steve and the network helpers here do a great job of catching and kicking spammers off as soon as they are detected. Most people seeing your post here in introductions will answer you on your member page so the introduction thread stays on topic of intros. :0)
Hello Everyone,
Nicol Howard, Corona, CA, USA. Recently transitioned from H.S. to Elementary. Currently working on my M.A. in EdTech. Happy to find a positive and informative PLN.
I have been a member of classroom 20 for awhile, but do not remember if I have actually introduced myself. I stay busy and I don't visit this network as much as I would like to. I teach technical education in Kansas. Any other technical educators out there?

There is a lot of great resources on this network. Great Place!

Here is my class blog

Thanks, Donnie
Hi, I am a hapless newbie in this area (indeed to teaching as a whole). I only graduated 2.5 years ago and are currently teaching special ed students in an Australian high school.

I can see the potential for nings as a socialising outlet for my otherwise isolated students. I am planning to start our own ning for students with disabilities. I don't know if I will have much to contribute to the site, but I hope to lap up all your expertise.

I am also looking for basic 2.0 numeracy sites and other sites where we may exchange work and information with other students and basically expand the students' digital literacy. (Have been shown Museum Box).
Anne Reed...Resource Teacher for the Gifted at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, VA. I am very interested in differentiated instructional strategies for all students but most interested in supporting students with special talents in math, science, social studies, English, music, and visual arts. I have been teaching for a long time :-)



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