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Ich war gerade auf deiner Homepage Es war sehr interessant und so völlig anders als in Österreich. Ich habe dort neue Ideen für meinen Unterricht im Wahlpflichtfach Informatik gefunden (i found new ideas for teaching computer skills in my voluntary course - all our pupils have to do their normal courses like math, english, german, geography, history, music, and so on and to choose some extra courses like Informatik). Maybe i may contact you when my ideas are more ripe (you see my english is not very good) and discuss it with you.
Mathew Needleman, teacher-webmaster, Apple Distinguished Educator, and now literacy coach from Los Angeles.
Karen Locke. I live in Minnesota and work at EdVisions Off-Campus High School- online, project-based public school. We have students working on projects at home, meeting with us online for advisory and math and individual meetings. Monthly field trips and 2 all-school meetings per year help us get to know each other.

Cool page! :)
Hi everybody! I am Julie Tang. I teach 3rd graders in Long Beach Unified. I would love to learn more about technology and how I can integrate that into my classroom!
Hi. I'm Sam Smith from Rochdale, England. I found this site via Alex at the Notre Dame school in Norwich. His site has some really useful links and resources for ICT teachers and is well worth a look for anyone who hasn't visited yet.

I've not done too much looking around yet (despite being on here for a couple of hours!) but it looks like I'll be making it one of my regular places to visit. I look forward to checking back in as I want to get more clued up about making use of emerging technologies to make my subject more enjoyable for students at my school.
Hi All,
I'm an editorial assistant at Edutopia (George Lucas Educational Foundation) and an arts-integration after-school coach in Napa. I'm looking to see what kind of skills I can pick up for my kids this year.
Welcome aboard!! I was glancing through the Introductions when I noticed you work for GLEF. I just finished replying in another forum about a project I first saw in your magazine. You can see the finished project, if you are interested, at my primary source blog A Very Old Place.
Eric Pingel, Pella IA. Technology Advisor for our district and adjunct instructor at Central College. I teach two ed tech classes to education majors.
From Iowa-been teaching HS Social Studies for along time. Starting Block scheduling Monday. 80 minute classes and have NO training. Need advice!

I love block scheduling; more time allows more depth of coverage and longer web activities.

Just split the block up into 20- 30 minute segments. Alternating between activities keeps the kids with you for the whole block. If you have been sacrificing introductory sets or summary activities due to time constraints, you will now have time for them. Good Luck!
I would seriously examine a system in which teachers are thrown into block w/ no training! What were they thinking!? We spent almost two years preparing.

Mark is right -- thinking of it as 4 20 minute segments helps a lot. How's it going so far? Is this 4x4 so you'll switch kids at semester? I also love the block. Hope you're enjoying it.
I love it. I teach 80% technology and the rest some SStudies. I have received quite a bit information from our local AEA. Wouldn't go back to the original schedule.



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