I'm interested in compiling a bank of cell phone lessons that can be shared both digitally and hopefully in print as well. I had done a similar project collecting a
bank of lessons for student tech support teams.
Educators contribute lessons, one or two each, which becomes a bank of lessons for everyone.
I am inviting anyone who has, or is interested in writing a lesson incorporating cell phones to contribute here
http://tinyurl.com/CellPhoneLessonForm. It is a very basic and flexible lesson plan template. You can see a sample of what the finished literacy lesson might look like at
http://tinyurl.com/LitCellLesson or social studies lesson at
Please note that these lessons can be applicable even in schools where cell phones are banned as they can be incorporated into the work/homework students do outside of school.
If you or someone you know, may want to be a part of this effort, please contribute at
http://tinyurl.com/CellPhoneLessonForm .