Hi All,

Just wondering how you use Wordle in your elementary and middle school classrooms. Thanks in advance for your responses.



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It has been good to use as an introduction to a unit/topic... I just cut and paste the wikipedia article... and then with students, they make predictions about what our next unit will be about/events that will happen based upon the words given..

It also works as nice unit recap writing assignment.... having them write a paragraph, short essay, etc. about what our unit of study using the Wordle as a "word bank" for their writing...

Also, using it as a "word bank" we have used it for creative writing assignments... they used a Wordle on the Industrial Revolution to write fictional stories as kids living through this time period..

So, I guess all in all we use it as a "word bank".... I too would love to hear others teachers are using it. It def. has potential!
Thanks Sean for your great idea!
HI Chris -- I posted some great resources in the Wilkes Instructional Media program blog in August. Here's the link: http://wilkesinstructionalmedia.blogspot.com/2009/08/helpful-words-...
Here are my Top 10 Ways to Use Wordle in the Classroom. I hope you find them useful.
Thanks for sharing your ideas Jonathan... you have some great ideas that I have never even thought of...



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