Hello everybody, I want to do some  activity for grade V students using cell phones. Can anybody help me in teaching a lesson using cell phones.


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I'm not sure what the goal of the lesson is but look at Poll Everywhere http://www.polleverywhere.com/ It is a free student response system using cell phones.
Thanks ,Kimberly, for such a quick response. I will definitely visit this website and try this lesson in my class.
I recently wrote a blog post about using cell phones in the classroom -- I tried to list and explain everything you could possibly do with cell phones in education (at least everything you can do for free). I taught elementary school for most of my career, so most of the tools can be used with primary students.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
I am very happy to go through so many detailed lists of using cell phones in teaching.All my problems are solved and I am sure it will enhance my students learning and they would also love using it in their lessons and find their home work task interesting,enjoy recording experiments independently , develop their language skills, make videos and audios etc. Thanks a lot for solving my problem.
That was a fantastic blog post Katy. I write a blog on using mobile phones in the ESL classroom, but I think in one post you've managed to give more of a comprehensive overview than I've managed in about 30 posts!! Will definitely be sharing this with colleagues.

To add my own ideas, here are a couple of blog posts about things you could do with mobile phones in class:

creating live listenings
a couple of warm-up activities
Some general things you and your students can do with phones in and...
Awesome blog post. Looks like you've pretty much covered it all. I definitely got a few good ideas while reading the post. One thing I am going to use this week is SCAVNGR. I am going to try and set up a scavenger hunt within a text we are going to read. I have looked at the app several times, but until reading your post, couldn't think of how to use it in my classroom. Thanks.
Glad it was helpful. Let us know how the SCVNGR hunt goes -- I'd be interested to see what you create. It's something I really want to use a lot more (but it's hard to make the $$$ committment...).
The use of cellphones in a classroom can be quite useful if done correctly. However, there are many safety risks that come along with using certain types of technology in the classroom and it is important that, while educating them in a 21st century manner, you are also protecting your students from harm.

Issues like predators, cyber bullying and sexting are all risks that can arise if students are able to use their cellphones in a classroom setting. Check out these Youth Cellphone Safety Tips that might have some advice when creating your lesson plans.
This would be my first moodle in 15 years. I bet they have changed. Need to confirm schedule before registering
Kiwi Commons ,You are very right,I feel students should also be given these safety tips before the start of the lesson so that they are alert and not at the risk at being bullied by their fellows students.Thanks a lot for sharing it, it is going to be useful in my lesson.
Glad to help! Be sure to peruse through the rest of KiwiCommons.com - we have tons of resources and guides that you might find useful. Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions.



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